“Schismgate”: “The Remnant” Answers

Click here  to follow “The Remnant”‘s answer to Michael Voris’ controversial intervention that has already caused the reaction of Louie Verrecchio and John Vennari (yours truly has reported on both cases).

I see a huge difference not only in attitude, but in competence between the two sides. I do not think many of you will say Voris is the one who ends up looking better at the end of this.

I suggest to all my readers to seriously consider cancelling whatever subscription to CMTV they might have, and to stop all donations.

One thing is a neo-Conservative sender who decides that it is better to stay silent about the Pope’s antics; but the decision to attack the best of the Traditionalist world without the slightest provocation, and throw such a massive amount of mud on the allegedly “schismatic” SSPX, does not make of him and his people worth of any support.

I notice here that the apologies to Mr Vennari, Verrecchio, Ferrara, Matt and whoever I may be forgotten made at the time of the accusation of being “spiritual pornographers” are still awaited.


Posted on February 18, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. I offer this for young CMTV viewers…From what I have been told, Cardinal Muller, present head of the Congregation of the Faith whose duty it would be to determine these matters , has said that SSPX is not in formal schism.
    SSPX does lack jurisdiction which is necessary according to Canon Law for the valid administration of the Sacraments of Marriage and Penance except in emergencies. SSPX, I have been told considers their position to be one of an emergency, and for this reason they ordained 4 Bishops in 1988 without permission from Rome which had been the norm for about 1000 years. For this act of performing the Bishop’s Ordinations, the Bishops alone, who were involved were excommunicated, and the priests were suspended. At this time,some priests left the SSPX and formed Traditional religious orders, such as FSSP which come under the jurisdiction of Novus Ordo Bishops. The SSPX Bishop’s excommunications, which the Bishops in question continued to maintain were unjust since they believed they acted in good faith, subsequently were lifted by Pope Benedict xvi at the beginning of the SSPX talks in Rome a few years ago. In 2007,Previous to the Rome talks, Pope Benedict xvi issued a document
    allowing all priest to offer the Tridentine Latin Mass without the permission of their bishop, and at this time a significant number of priests left SSPX, probably because their objections to the Vatican II documents were not so in-depth, and their main concern was to be permitted to offer the TLM Mass. The SSPX continues to have serious issues with the Vatican II documents, and wants to have complete freedom from offering the Novus Ordo Mass.
    Some disagreement with pastoral practices put forth in Vatican ii seems to be acceptable to Rome, while doctrinal disagreement is not…since the talks were conducted in secret, we do not have much information about these matters, but things appeared very hopeful near the conclusion of the talks, then suddenly went up in smoke.

  2. Voris, IMO, is nothing but a backstabbing hypocrite. He chummed around with these good Christian men, and then without warning, he basically pulls a Mark Shea attack on them. Be sides having a bad wig, this man is an empty suit. I’m convinced he has no morals, for if he did, he never would have slandered and libeled his fellow (?) traditionalists in this shameful fashion.

    • I still can’t believe Voris does it out of hypocrisy, or for financial calculation.

      I think, rather, that he is drifting on the direction his refusal to criticise the pope would unavoidably have him drifting: an aggressive clericalism, referred only to the Pope.

  3. It’s funny, Mundabor, how when I went through RCIA I was given a list of schismatic Catholic sites and warned not to visit them. I am forever grateful that they gave me that list, because I wouldn’t have been able to bookmark them, otherwise.

  4. I used to be a fairly routine viewer, though never a donor. My viewing stopped when he fired the first salvo some months ago…I soured greatly, then, when I read what he wrote and whatever small chance there may have been for my rehabilitation since then, was shredded with his latest broadside. The man is self-imploding, if you ask me…

  5. Ever since he made that apology for creating the impression that he had slandered the Pope I have stopped watching. But he’s not independent, st Michaels media is Opus Dei

  6. I used to have a CMTV account. When the ‘spiritual pornographers’ flail against those striving to remain in the Body of Christ according to the teachings of the indefectible Bride came-out, I quit. The silencing of the Voice of Catholic Truth has caused untold miseries in the society of the ‘enlightenment’. Trying to silence Tradition by calling it ‘pornography’ at the spiritual level is…something Mr Voris must, at least in private, regret; look at what Bergoglio does day in and day out – flouting Faith, degrading the Papacy and dismissing Truth as unnecessary, and yet who would dare to call him the spiritual pornographer? (JPII and his naked-women servers at ‘mass’ come to mind for some reason). The idea that those who are simply keeping the Faith are schismatics because those who demand defection say so, is becoming increasingly absurd. A schismatist is not one who acknowledges the warning against the modernist Syllabus of Errors as the authentic teaching of the Rock of Christ. A schismatist is one who promulgates those condemned errors as a syllabus of contemporary virtues because the worldly ‘church’ must ‘move with the times’?

  7. I don’t know who is advising Voris but he definitely has changed since Pope Francis began to be criticized. Every now and then a glimmer of hope that he might see the light is evident in his Vortex…it seems to me he is both poorly informed by watered down news or other sources and perhaps fearful of suffering the fate of bloggers who are being suppressed …or worse. He did ask people on his recent retreat cruise to sign the filialappeal.org which Cardinal Burke has signed.

    • When he made the “breaking news” story on Burke at the Synod I thought he might be beginning to see the light.
      I am far more cautious now.

  8. I cancelled my subscription after trying to discuss with them how untenable was their inappropriate ‘manifesto’ against the named ‘spiritual pornographers’. If sharing a home with a queer priest is OK, and calling the ‘transgendered’ (for the second time!) on Christmas Eve to invite them to visit him at the Vatican isn’t pornography, I don’t know what is. Francis has defiled the holy places held in such esteem by 2000 years of Catholics! But Michael defames those who have been in the fight for Catholics for a lifetime. I hope and pray he gets a grip, or loses more followers.

  9. I have never attended anything with the SSPX, but I do subscribe to “Catholic Family News,” which John Vennari edits.

    I stopped contributing (before the pontificate of Francis the Humble) to Church Miltant TV because of its refusal to criticize certain prelates and higher ups.

    It’s so sad that Voris refuses to admit that so many of his just criticisms apply as well to Pope Bergoglio and those in his circle. Instead, Voris turns around and attacks Vennari, Louis Verrecchio, et al.