God Bless This Jesuit

The great James V Schall, mentioned on this blog – and only for lack of time – much less than he deserves, has another wonderful contribution about FrancisThink.

The man is obviously gentle with the ass he must deal with, but you can read between the lines that his patience is being tested. The article examines all that is wrong with the way Francis sees the world, beginning from the root of the problem: that Francis does not have a Christian view of the world. I add, though he does not say, that Francis has a Marxist one.

The worthy man goes on examining the utter senselessness of Francis economic views, not saying but certainly implying that the man is at the intellectual level of the thirteen year old school boy terrorised at suddenly being told that resources are about to end, there will be horrible wars, and we will all be doomed if we don't shut down our evil air conditioners at once.

The vision of a quasi-agricultural society (around 1-2% of GDP in Italy) as the medicine for supposed illness is almost as stupid as the assertion the the poor have warned us of the destruction of the planet. So let me rephrase: a thirteen years old boy with Marxist parents at home.

There are many other interesting topics in the article (the continuous opposing the very rich and the very poor is an example; and I note here that the very rich are invariably bad, and the very poor invariably good), which I invite you to read in its entirety. It's longish, but well-reasoned and worth the time, and you might agree with everything, but you will see a robust common sense everywhere.

James V Schall is one of the few voices of sanity remained in a Church that drifts slowly towards utter madness in more and more of her clergymen and religious. But his generation is going to be gone soon, and it will be more and more difficult to find voices like him within the official V II Church. As Francis appoints more Marxists as bishops and Cardinals, the danger will become bigger. And whilst we will probably still avoid catastrophe in October, it seems to me that a long attrition war about the very basis of Christianity is about to begin.

God bless this Jesuit, then.



Posted on July 27, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Schall is indeed gentle with Bergoglio. I sense – between the lines – that he considers Bergie to be a nutter, a mental midget and a blow-hard. And not much of a Christian.

    Some of the comments after the article support your concern, Mundy, that we’re going to be in a world of hurt – if we aren’t already – once the likes of Schall aren’t about to inject a dose of reality into the minds of lesser intellects.

    Bergie is the end result of marrying a low IQ with a fecal-splattered theology. The Cardinals who voted him Pope must still giggle in delight.

  2. He is the Jeremy Corbyn of the Church who managed to get elected.