Bishop Tobin, Or: And Now For Some Gossip And Unseemly Speculation

Edit: the pictures of the wrong Tobin (Rhode Island) was published on this blog post instead of the pictures of the bishop in question (New Jersey).

The photo has been removed.

My apologies to the Rhode Island Bishop Tobin.

Many thanks to all those who have, with kind words, made me aware of the mistake.


Bishop Tobin is, as many of you know, one of the FrancisTribe, pretty much at the forefront of the adulterers-and-homo agenda.

This makes him, both to me and to every reader of mine with a robust common sense, suspect of having some skeleton in the closet. Say, a mistress, or a male “lover”, or paedo tendencies, or financial malfeasance.

In today's church, if you can be blackmailed you can be pretty sure the gay Mafia will knock on your door and demand compliance and complicitousness with their agenda, or else.

It is, therefore, not entirely surprising to this old correspondent that a tired Bishop Tobin, very late in the night, inadvertently tweeted urbi et orbi something meant as a private message, containing the words “nighty-night, baby. I love you”.



The bishop promptly deleted the tweet, and the diocese explained that the tweet was meant for…. his sister.

Now, it can be that “baby” is one of those inside jokes running inside a family. However, if this were the case the bishop would be able to show a ton of such other PMs, with an abundance of babys and I love yous, to his sister just to put every rumour to rest. This would most certainly be the case, as two people engaging in PMs in the middle of the night obviously PM a lot.

Also, a public tweet of the bishop's sister, again confirming urbi et orbi that “baby” is the affectionate nickname with which she has been jokingly called since, say, around 1957, would not be amiss. Alas, as I write this I have seen neither.

Now, as Bishop Tobin is – for the reasons described above – a prime suspect for illicit and possibly homosexual relationships, it seems pretty reasonable to me to ask that good Catholic journalists start doing some sound investigative journalism on this, until satisfied that this was really an innocent family joke.

I have, like all of you, enough of “progressive” bishops and their skeletons in the closet; therefore, we have every right to ask that this matter be thoroughly researched.



Posted on February 23, 2018, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. I do hope you are wrong! As yo well know the problem is that so many prelates, priests and religious from the very top down live their lives in a stinking sewer. we know that many of them are outrageous sexual perverts and destroyers of souls. They are given high positions in the Church, by Pope Francis instead of being censured and defrocked. It is bad enough having to contend with modernists, liberal progressives and weak kneed, neo-con conservative clergy and theologians; as well as a majority of Conciliar Catholic parishes pushing the “spirit of Vatican II”; without having to hold our heads in shame at these devils in white collars presenting to the world there corrupt vision of the Catholic Church.
    Bishop Tobin, being no Bishop Fellay, will at least celebrate the traditional rite and has been quite strict in denying Holy Communion to politicians who vote in favour of abortion, as in the Kennedy case. But in these terrifying days of this chastisement and diabolical disorientation, we can expect anything to happen. I shall pray for him and for all of us.

  2. I do hope you are wrong! As you well know the problem is that so many prelates, priests and religious from the very top down live their lives in a stinking sewer. we know that many of them are outrageous sexual perverts and destroyers of souls. They are given high positions in the Church, by Pope Francis instead of being censured and defrocked. It is bad enough having to contend with modernists, liberal progressives and weak kneed, neo-con conservative clergy and theologians; as well as a majority of Conciliar Catholic parishes pushing the “spirit of Vatican II”; without having to hold our heads in shame at these devils in white collars presenting to the world their corrupt vision of the Catholic Church.
    Bishop Tobin, being no Bishop Fellay, will at least celebrate the traditional rite and has been quite strict in denying Holy Communion to politicians who vote in favour of abortion, as in the Kennedy case. But in these terrifying days of this chastisement and diabolical disorientation, we can expect anything to happen. I shall pray for him and for all of us.

  3. Unfortunately the picture is of Bishop Thomas Joseph Tobin of the Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island, a good guy. The tweet belonged to Cardinal Joseph Tobin of the Diocese of Newark, New Jersey.

  4. Our intelligence continues to be daily insulted by the absurdity of the “explanations” we get from the various FrancisBishops for their heresy/perversion/financial malfeasance. As long as we’re investigating Tobin, can we add Wurl and Cupich? Time to name a “special counsel.” I hear Jim Comey needs work.

  5. I am getting so terribly disgusted with the Church as it is now that I am considering shaking the dust from my feet and leaving my seat in the pew empty as a kind of
    prophetic sign against them.

  6. This is the Cardinal: “Night-Night Baby” –