The Age Of “Me”: First Names

When I was in Kindergarten and grade school, there was no one who did not have a common first name. In fact, first names were, by their very definition, common. They were generally names of saints, or names with a reference to Christianity. They were also, very obviously, the name given to the child on occasion of a ceremony (and Sacrament) called Baptism. None of them was unique to the person.

The rapid de-Christianisation of the European Continent did not fail to show its pervert effects on this, too. Whilst a common name with a Christian root is a link to many others like us, showing our belonging to a common Christian body, the wonderful snowflakes of the Age of Me need a name reflecting their own unique awesomeness, which will results in concoctions that would have been considered hilariously stupid in every age past, but which no one dares to say one word against now.

This, also, because many of these children are, nowadays, the sons of “single mothers” (that is to say, and I am sorry for them but facts are facts, bastards), with no father around telling the young woman to stop emoting already because the child will have to live with that infamy of name all his life; a fact made worse by the circumstance that being single mothers they will be inclined to make their own morality and religion; which, in turn, means that the child will not be baptised; which, again, will remove another obstacle to a young boy being called LeBron, or DeShawn, or Pale Moon, or even something making no sense at all to a normal person.

Hilariously, these children will grow up with names no one knows how to pronounce and nobody can remember, with the result that, as adults, they will have to repeat countless times the exact pronunciation and spelling of their names, lest their Unique Awesomeness be offended. Plus, they will have to repeat all their life that say, ahuatacua is an old Inca word meaning “luminous summer morning without a cloud in sight”. But they are Wonderful Snowflakes, so they will probably not resent the effort.

If you grew in a Christian environment you immediately perceive, at some level, that those names are… unchristian, because they go against the Christian traditions of the West. But when those cases become endemic you know that Christianity is rapidly going under all over the West, leaving a thin varnish at the best. The decision to call your child Jedi, or Sandokan, or Catnip already shows how little you value Christianity, and a couple of questions will generally reveal that your Christianity is very strange indeed.

All this will be less apparent, perhaps, in Countries where this phenomenon started one generation earlier. But for everyone who grew up in a Country where everyone was given normal names it is shockingly obvious evidence of the devil at work.


Posted on March 13, 2018, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Wonderful, M. I agree wholeheartedly. Here’s some more I’ve come across to tickle your funnybone: Jaxon, Ja-Lisa, Wren, Rain, Meadow, Destiny, Dakota, Sage, Zuma. (Anything to do with the American Southwest seems trendy). I know one of your favorite actresses 😉 named her child Apple.
    I do like some of the more obscure saint and biblical names that are enjoying a measure of success: Asher, Henry, Isaac, Sebastian, Jude, Seth,