A Reader On DJT


I received this comment from reader Kate R.

I found it so beautiful that I think it deserves a blog post all of itself.

Kate R. is writing about Donald John Trump.

He is a force of nature, and we thank God for him daily. His daily itinerary is on our news feed, and how he does all that he does, well it can only be God Who sustains him. It is a constant schedule of demanding activities. I wouldn’t last one week and I’m significantly younger than he.
We knew God gave him to us. He was an answer to prayer and exactly what we needed. We wouldn’t change a thing about him. That he is a conservative is unbelievable. That he is complete man of the people, he CARES, is incredible. That he loves our nation and people is undeniable. He wants to do good. And he can, he has unparalleled tenacity, the ability to just shrug off, at least publicly, hateful people who want to thwart him. We are concerned about civil war in these United States. We’ve never seen the venom and threats we do now, even from insignificant Hollywood worms. How dare they. President Trump was validly elected. Sixty three million Americans voted for him, and he is still filling stadiums with 20,000 needing to be turned away!
God bless him and keep him, may He continue to protect and guide him. Amen. And may Americans still be smart enough to realize real danger is now coming in the form of the Democrat party, which should better be called the Communist Party.

It occurs to me that I do not pray enough for the health and success of this great man.

And it seems to me that the world is only now beginning to discover that this man truly is a legend in the making.

Indeed: God bless him and jeep him, may He continue to protect and guide him.



Posted on November 5, 2018, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Great letter! We could go so far as to say that DJT has become, in his own unique way, the real moral leader of the world replacing Pope Francis who has effectively become it’s immoral leader. In the case of Donald Trump the working of God’s mysterious ways are evident.

  2. Thank you for this post. We do need to pray more for President Trump and thank God for all the blessings he has bestowed on the USA, and ask that our Judeo-Christian values upon which our nation was founded, be rekindled in our people.

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