Daily Archives: November 16, 2018

Gayrdinal Tobin Has No Explanation

Gayrdinal Tobin (he of “Nighty-night baby, I love you”-tweet fame) was accosted by a journalist asking him about both the tweet and the Italian actor who has been living at his rectory until people found out.  

Not surprisingly considering the way these people feel completely insulated from us (straight) mortals, the man still had not even a fake excuse as to exactly why an actor would live in his rectory. I know, it is difficult to even invent one; but you would think the man feels the need to fabricate something to give at least an appearance of decency.

He doesn’t.

The lack of even the pretence of an explanation is, to me, indicative of the mentality of these people: they feel unassailable.

When a Cardinal invites a young, attractive Italian man to live in his own place, imagine how many people must know. Gayrdinal Tobin obviously did not care about any of that. It is not only the sodomy in itself; it is the chutzpah, the almighty arrogance of thinking he can just do what he wants and does not own an explanation to anyone – much less to God in Whom he obviously does not believe -.

The same mentality is at play in this impromptu interview. The man is sent out in order to give the thinnest varnish of decency to the matter; but clearly, Gayrdinal Tobin does not feel that anything more than this is required. He does not owe any explanation to us straight underlings as to why he had a male mistress living in his own rectory, nor does he have to prove that a clearly homoerotic tweet was not sent to him.

This guy needs to be added to the very long list of Gayshops and Gayrdinals who needs to be defrocked when sanity comes back. The shame of the Church in the early XXI Century will be remembered in one thousand years, just as we remember today the degree of corruption pervading the Church in the time of St Peter Damian.

It is good that these perverts are so stupid that they do not even feel the need to give some covering to their perversion. It will make it so much easier to get rid of them when the time comes. It will also make it much easier for countless prosecutors in the US and elsewhere to understand the net of complicity and mutual blackmail that has kept the homo lobby together for several decades. It is clear that one like Gayrdinal Tobin will never be able to do anything sensible against any pervert, communist or thief among the clergy of his diocese. He will also have to toe the liberal line in order to avoid waking up one morning and find oneself outed by the people he has displeased. His disgusting proclivities will make him totally unable to work as a priest, much less a bishop or cardinal.

Nighty-night, Your Gayce.

We want you gone.