Pope Scoundrel Perfectly Pictured

Quite the interesting photograph, uh?

What Gloria TV published is most certainly authentic. It is difficult to imagine a man making such a face, for the camera, without a deep-seated bullying instinct and intimidation will inside him.

This, I think, is the real Bergoglio. The Bergoglio most people do not get to see. The Bergoglio who screams profanities and has temper tantrums. The bully. The hater. The scoundrel.

You look at that picture and you know why Kapos could exist. You look at that picture and you understand that there can be people happy to dissect babies in their mother’s womb for a living. It really says more than 1000 words.

I do not know the context of this photo. It really looks like the mug of a crack cocaine dealer thinking of his enemies. It is the picture of a bad man, trying to convey how bad he is. It is also the picture of a man able to do everything he knows he will get away with.

I am glad this picture has emerged. It might well become the defining photo not of the Pontificate (the shot was clearly taken in earlier years) but of the man’s character.

Posted on September 24, 2019, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. I am so bitter and desperate that I found a Hollywood solution to the Bergi case. Imagine he was with his family some decades ago. A heart attack – but his lay brother quickly substituted him. The family needed the support… This brother (a South American Woodstock guy) quickly learnt in his bishop brother’s role, but of course lacks real education in theology etc. So that’s the explanation!

  2. Yon bergolio has ” a lean and hungry look” as he stares balefully at Mother Church.
    And the 2013 conflagration knew exactly who it was electing.

  3. Hello, I have been keeping up with your commentary for a few months now and really enjoy your work. Two days ago I attempted to show my father some of my concerns about Pope Francis, but he sees him in too positive a light to even listen. Do you have any resources that I could use to point out many of the controversial issues regarding the Pope? I want to not only educate myself but also open my father’s eyes to many of the things wrong with Francis. Thank you!

    • The best start is to buy an dread Iota Unum. Expensive, but worth it. Also online.
      That will give the foundation.
      I would then go with “100 years of Modernism”.
      You don’t want your father to be a moderate V Ii guy.
      He needs to get the roots of the problem.
      Readers, please post here your own additional suggestions!

  4. Read Malachi Martin’s The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church and you will know exactly what’s gong on and what will happen. After reading this book, Francis and his motives will be CRYSTAL CLEAR.

  5. I just broke down and bought Taylor Marshall’s Infiltration. I’ve been a ‘Trad’ for a long time and have read a lot about the Church in the past 30 years. What I am enjoying with Infiltration is that it is a modest-sized, well documented and well-written explanation of what has gone on since (and before) V II, by a Catholic man who has only recently realized it himself. It is, so far, very good and might be a good, general yet convincing overview.