Meet Pope Pimp, The Trannie-Loving Protector Of (Likely Illegal) Trannie Prostitutes


When this man dies, I do not think there will be anything at all that is evil, or perverted, or otherwise immoral that he has not promoted.

The last example is the obvious approval of Pope Pimp for the transvestite prostitutes of Torvaianica, near Rome.

The prostituting trannies have a problem, you see: the Chinese Virus has seriously damaged their “business” (which is: prostituting themselves). This elicits a lot of compassion in a chap called Father Conocchia (I wonder about this one), who starts giving money to one of them, without asking “too many questions”. Suddenly, all the local trannie prostitutes want to be on the gravy train (which tells us that Father Conocchia didn’t give the original trannie only one Euro…). They are, apparently, all from South America, and all trannies. I will go out on a limb and say that they are all illegals.

So many trannie prostitutes looking for handouts, so little money! What to do?

Pope Pimp to the rescue!!

“Francis’ response was immediate”, Father Conocchia says. Mind, the “good” Father didn’t contact Francis directly. He contacted his almoner, Cardinal Krajewski. But hey, it is clear from his reaction that the Vatican wanted the world to know that Francis got on the trannie train very, very fast!

What do we learn from this, dear reader? We learn that any money that we give to the Vatican can be used to give money to likely illegal trannie prostitutes, whenever the Vatican thinks that the level of income they achieve from said prostituting activity is too low and needs to be integrated.

This is not straight from the Babylon Bee.

This is from Francis’ Papacy; from the most satanic joke of a Pope, ever.



Posted on December 11, 2020, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. “Tranny” is a derogatory slur, don’t use it.

  2. When will God say enough(!)?

  3. It’s sad to say it, however it’s what comes of scandal, but it is hard to avoid the suspicion that, in the case of some in the Vatican-given the reports of their behaviour-this might amount to the payment of a retainer.

    • I could not avoid thinking the same.
      The curas villeros in Argentina also come to mind.
      Bergoglio is not new to this stuff (I have written about it several times).

  4. Anyone who gives money to the usual suspects is nuts at this point. My local pastor, “Fr. Bob” has in the past two weeks cut out the parts of the parables where Jesus tells what happens to those who are not ready when the Lord returns. It really makes my day to pass by the collection basket on the way out the door without looking at it.

  5. Come, Lord Jesus! Clean up this mess! Save us from perversion. Blessed Mother, please smash the LBGT et al. lobby. And while we’re at it—Viganò for pope!!! That’s all I want for Christmas Lord Jesus! 🎄🎄🎄

  6. Isn’t “donating” to a prostitute very much the same as “paying” a prostitute?
    I wouldn’t put it past this poop…, uh, pope(?).

  7. …and in a bit of off-the-topic foreseeing: I can hardly wait to read your lavish praise of the “vatican’t non-nativity creche.”

  8. I believe that a Pope, be it this one or a future one, will be the False Prophet who paves the spiritual way for the Antichrist.