Reaping What You Sow: Euthanasia




Introducing a further step in the utter satanical descent of this once Christian Country into the abyss of hell, Lord Falconer is now trying to introduce an euthanasia law on these shores.

The details are perfectly irrelevant, and it is perfectly useless to discuss under which “strictly defined circumstances” a person will be allowed to commit suicide. The principle is that he will be allowed to, and even if the usual incrementalism of Satan’s ways were to provide that, say, initially only terminal illness  would cause the suicide to be allowed, it is very easy to realise this is, in time, going to go mainstream.

Once the principle is accepted, suicide on demand is the unavoidable conclusion. Look only at Belgium, where even teenagers can now be authorised to dispose of themselves in an environmentally friendly way only a decade or so after the initially more restrictive euthanasia law was introduced. And hey: if this is what the boy wants, who are we to judge?

Surely, you think, the Christians still left in the Country will react to this monstrosity like one man!?

Think again. Not only that old nincompoop Tutu has now taken the part of Satan, but the former so-called Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, has done the same.

Tutu’s position is no surprise, as the man smells of brimstone from very far away. Just remember when he said that he would rather choose hell with the sodomites, than a “homophobic” heaven. But Lord Carey is a different matter, because one would expect from him – proddie as he is – a higher content of Christian Truth. Still, we live in times when a supposed religious authority can say that he has “changed his mind”, because “old philosophic certainties have collapsed”. Boy, what a child. Or an evil mind. 

Once again, we see easy emotionalism at play. The proposers of suicide don’t call it “euthanasia” any more, preferring by far the far more modern expression “right to die”. This smells pleasantly of “freedom”, and allows them to present themselves as “oppressed”; whilst the coming, murderous oppression of countless old people put under a subtle, but to them irresistible pressure to put an end to their lives is, clearly, not oppressive at all. In some articles, it is even called “assisted dying”, as if one were assisted whilst he is dying. Well no, it’s assisted suicide. It’s different.

Now, Lord Falconer & Co. go to the extraordinary length of declaring that suicide is not unChristian, because Lord Carey and the devilish Tutu say so. I have no doubt millions of Brits will believe him on the word. This is what Christianity has become in this Country.

This proposed law may be condemned to a slow death on Friday, a fact which Falconer & Co. are now trying to prevent. But even if this should happen, one can clearly see a path here, with the “suicide squad” promptly using all the tools of the sodomites: whining, cries of “oppression”, call to “freedom”. I wonder how long it is before adjectives like “choiceophobic” start circulating.

Make no mistake: unless the pendulum start swinging on the other side, this euthanasia law is going to enter the statute books; probably in the next parliament if not in this one, but almost certainly in the one thereafter. It is the logic of godlessness and embracing of everything satanic, of rebellion to God in everything, that demands that it be so.

This is not only, mind, going to cause the loss of lives. It is going to cause the loss of countless souls, as many who are perfectly able to discern what they are doing deliberately choose suicide; the most elementary rebellion to natural law and, therefore, an act by which no “but God, Lord Carey and Desmond Tutu had told that this was perfectly Christian!” will ever wash.

And so we see how, fifty years after the revolution of the Sixties, the Revolution eats its children. Not only the symbolic ones – the young sodomites and their friends and supporters, say – but, literally, the same potheads who started the mess; a generation facing in the next decades the full brunt of the new legislation in many European countries, and deciding to put a miserable end to the hopes of their soul as they have lived miserable lives in opposition to God’s law.

This will be the fitting end of their “love” madness, as their delusion of godless “love” becomes eternal hate and despair.

The generation that sow mass rebellion reaps mass damnation. Really, it’s as simple as that.


Posted on July 15, 2014, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. People are and have always been “allowed” to commit suicide successfully by the state. Formerly, however, the “state” never chose to take part in the commission. No state agreed to “help out” in any way it could to murder its citizens.
    And, I presume, tourists as well. (That could kill tourism or at least cut visits short though.)

    Giving official imprimatur to individually self-selected population control is evil and this will lead to no good end for either the country or its citizens.

    • Not really, though.
      In many countries, like Italy, suicide was a criminal offence.
      Firstly, because the state cannot tolerate that a murder get, in principle, not sanctioned even if the murderer escapes its punishment; secondly, because it opened the way for the punishment of the attempted suicide, if this had been considered expedient.


  2. The “right to die” soon becomes the right of the state to kill you.

  3. Wasn’t there a “strictly defined circumstance” when the CofE authorized contraception those many years ago. How did that work out for them?

    • oh yeah.
      And the priestettes would never cause the demand for bishopettes. Perish the thought!
      And civil partnership were just what the doctor ordered to protect the institute of marriage, of course…