Faith In The Time Of Cardinal Cupich

As the years go by and the Evil Clown continues his work of destruction, some weak souls may be led to question their own faith and convictions. If this blog has one aim, it is to reinforce the resolve of all those who may be wavering, and to make even stronger those who don't.

This is, for sure, an unprecedented crisis. However, V II was also an unprecedented rebellion. As the events catapult us in a bizarro world of atheist social activists at the top of the Church, and one day not far from today deciding her course and future – at least barring Divine intervention – , it becomes increasingly more clear to me what monstrous rebellion V II was, and how harshly we are being – justly – punished for it.

The chaos of today has not been brought about by a Pope Francis, just out of the blue. It has been brought about by V II.

We are reaping today what we have sown in 50 years of madness. In half a century the dumb, arrogant, blasphemous illusion of a Church going along with the world has presented a bill so steep that we will need who knows how long, perhaps several generations yet, to pay it.

I used to hope that the Lord, in His Mercy, would allow us to be saved from the abyss. But it is increasingly more clear that this will not happen; and, at least for what I can see, perhaps should not happen.

If Francis were to die tomorrow, and were to be replaced by a “safe V II” Pope, what would be the consequence? What would a hypothetical JP III do that would prevent, one day, the election of a Francis II? Nothing, absolutely nothing! We would have more V II rubbish; which, in time, would unavoidably lead to the appointment of a faithless, lewd old man like Francis. A new, “moderate” V II Pope would mean more World Youth Day, more Assisi gatherings, more ecumenism, more pacifism, more search for easy popularity, more Korans thankfully accepted as gift, more pope concerts and mega-masses, more watering down of truth, more of all we have seen from John XXIII until 2013. The slippery slope that begins with a John XXIII must perforce end with a Francis, or worse.

No, I don't think the Lord will save us from the worst. It seems to me that this is not God's plan. It seems to me that the savage arrogance of V II must now be paid in full. It seems to me, in other words, that the absolutely lunatic times the Evil Clown is preparing for us are allowed by God to show us the utter lunacy of the rebellion of V II. Unless we are made to eat all the excrements that Francis and, very probably, his successors will dish us we will never understand the monstrosity of Vatican II in the first place.

A Benedict XVII, a Paul VII, a John XXIV would do nothing different than their predecessors. There were Assisi gatherings under Ratzinger, too; and even if they were less open in their arrogance and provocation, the fundamental stupidity at their root was exactly the same. Francis is V II on steroid. Or better said, John XXIII was the entry drug and Francis is the heavy drug. I am afraid we must brace ourselves for a crack cocaine Pope like Cupich one day. However, coming back to marijuana can't be the solution. Desintoxication is the only solution.

We are being punished for 50 years of rebellion and unbelief. Every Consistory of the Evil Clown should make clearer to us how atrocious a punishment we are getting and, therefore, deserve. Unprecedented rebellion will be paid with unprecedented ravaging of the Church, perhaps until very little of it has remained.

But do not despair: all those now triumphant heretics and perverts can be crushed by Our Lord with a mere thought and, unless they repent, will pay a terrible price for their rebellion. All this could, if God so wills, end tomorrow. However, when this punishment ends it is not for us to establish. Our duty is to stay faithful to the Chuch of our Fathers. We must brace ourselves for much worse times than even these ones, because there is simply no forecasting the extent of this descent into madness.

Every Consistory made by the Evil Clown makes the scale, the sheer enormity of the punishment we have deserved clearer to me. It's as clear as the sun, as undeniably simple as two and two: the severity of the punishment is there to make us realise the severity of the offence, and the punishment will go on and become more and more severe until the consciousness of the gravity of the offence has become sufficiently spread.

Collective punishment and collective atonement for 50 years of rebellion. This is, I think, the lot of our generation.

The realisation of this, and the serene suffering of this well deserved punishment, offers the key to keeping your faith in the time of Cardinal Cupich.



Posted on October 10, 2016, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Very good Mundabor. I was thinking what did we do to deserve this punishment? I can think of a couple of reasons;
    1. In the time leading up to Vatican II the Church was internally ill but generally unapparent with Modernism. There was much lukewarmness among laity and clergy. The Church was basking and proud it’s evident “success.”
    2. After Vatican II the internal illness of indifference and lukewarmness began coming to the surface. Most folks went along with all the changes as they tended to make life easier: much less focus on sin, easier and understandable Mass, contraception tacitly approved, confession nearly eliminated, lots of relevant social justice activities which helped others, emphasis on the love of God regardless, Church becomes advocate of Democrat policies,etc.

  2. Mundabor…thank you for sharing your words of wisdom. They are a salve to the remnant.

  3. The reaction to VII will come, it is inevitable. The further we move away from the Council, the less important it seems. The more those devoted to the Council go to their eternal reward, the less opposition traditionalists will face in the Church. Once the secular world begins to persecute the Church more actively, the myth of dialogue and reconciliation with the modern world will evaporate (e.g. if the State were to force the Church to recognise “gay marriage”, it would be all over). The collapse of American power in particular will signal the start of the collapse of VII in the Church, because VII is the Americanisation of the Church ( This goes for the collapse of the EU too, the EU being a CIA manufactured American outpost. Changes in political circumstances will cause a change in the Church, because VII is nothing but the Church prostrate to the modern liberal political arrangement, a kind of surrender to Caesar almost. The American republic is the greatest of post-Enlightenment liberal states, and with its decline, the Spirit of VII will begin to evaporate. Vote Trump indeed, insofar as he is against American Imperialism.