Make Communism (And Pope Francis) History

100 years ago, a Communist organisation took control of a Country (and of a huge one at that) for basically the first time in history as the Parisian “Commune” can certainly not be counted as seizing control of a Country.

Communism is – like his bastard little brother, Socialism – the fruit of a godless mentality that does not see reality for what it is – the fruit of the Fall, with all its attending problems – but, rather, for what it should become if the toy called planet earth were, so to speak, repaired and made to work as it always should have. This is the thinking of children, and of godless adults.

Inequality is not a bug, it is a feature. People having the most varied inclinations and the widest differences of willingness, intelligence, resilience, and appetite for risk, it must follow that they will range – in a completely sinless, utterly justified way – on an extremely long staircase concerning their degree of security, prosperity and quality of life.

Poverty – which is the aspect of inequality leftists cry about the most, though I am pretty sure few of them have ever experienced it – is also, as Our Lord taught us, always going to be with us. It must be so, because poverty teaches humility, encourages to prayer, and helps look heavenwards in all one's endeavour; whilst in some circumstances also being the deserved consequence of laziness, profligacy, entitlement mentality, and general wrong thinking.

War is, also, the result of the Fall. It is childish – nay: it is outright stupid – to think that bad guys will disappear from the earth only because nations gather together in a forum that is nothing more but the collection of all rubbish regimes on the planet. The bad guy will never be “history”, and there will always be need of good guys ready to fight and die to stop him.

You can't “make poverty history”. You can't put an end to wars. As Communism is on its way to becoming history at least as an ideology able to run entire Countries – Socialism will possibly always be with us, because stupidity will – poverty has, unsurprisingly for every Catholic, not only remained but it has been generously multiplied by those same people who claimed they would put an end to it. Sanity wins in the end, albeit sometimes at the price of countless millions of victims.

We, the smart set, do not try to make poverty history. We work towards making Communism history. And with Communism, we want to throw in the rubbish bin of history all that nonsense about inequality, “war no more”, and all the thinking that comes from forgetting God. We want, most of all, purge Catholicism from this cancer.

Make Pope Francis history.

Poverty, war, and godless people will always be with us.



Posted on November 22, 2017, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. These men in the Vatican try to make a liar of God. Jesus did say the poor you will always have with you, but these men do not accept that. They are more merciful than Jesus, in their minds, and after all, what did He know. They demand to make Planet Earth the utopia of their dreams. They are all Materialists, they want paradise here and now. To them there is no future one to look forward to.

  2. Great assessment, Mr. M. God made us all unique individuals with different talents and abilities. Communism is a diabolical ideology that aims to take away our freedoms and individuality, and restrict the exercise of our God-given free will. Rather than working for the salvation of souls, the Pope has spent almost five years as the one world (non-Catholic) religion organizer. Why? To help the global elites implement their goal of one world government? I know there were many Communist infiltrators into the seminaries decades ago. I wonder if it’s possible that one made it all the way to the top. This would explain the unprecedented crisis that the Church is in now.

  3. No doubt about it, hardcore libtards are communists.