Vade Retro, Francisce: Pope Francis The Heretic In Formal Heresy On Capital Punishment

evil clown

“,, and today, children, we change Truth…”

The Evil Clown has given us in recent days further proof that he is, at this point, completely in the hands of Satan. 

Firstly, a basic concept: no Pope can change Church doctrine. 

Whilst doctrine can evolve in the sense that it gets more complex as real life causes (or forces, as in the case of heresies) a refinement and deepening of the concepts already therein contained, this can never mean that something becomes something else. Obviously, it can also even less mean that something becomes the contrary of what it was before. 

This is clearly obvious to every Catholic. The Problem is that this Pope is pretty much as Catholic as Satan is. Therefore, you wake up one morning and discover that Francis thinks (the operative word here is… thinks) that the constant teaching of the Church on Capital punishment can be changed. 

If anyone is so dumb, or evil, to believe this, may the Lord have mercy on him. 

What Francis is saying is that… Catholicism is a lie. 

If the Church can “evolve” and discover that She was wrong all these 2000 years in something so important as (verbatim) life and death, this means that Christ has allowed His Church to spread evil as unchangeable Catholic teaching for 2000 years. This, in turn, means that the Church is a fraud, and everything She has ever taught is as disposable as a paper napkin (or, in case, Francis’ incontinence pads). Everyone who is evil enough to believe that Francis can change doctrine on Capital Punishment must, logically,  think the same on abortion, divorce, communion, the whole lot of the Catholic Faith.  

This is also, just so there is no doubt, formal (not material anymore) heresy. Francis is not giving an interpretation of existing teaching which is (though he does not understand it) objectively heretical. He is, very officially, saying that what was right is now wrong. You can’t find a better example of formal heresy than a Pope saying that the Capital Punishment is “inadmissible”, and neither you nor I nor any other Catholic with a shred of common sense and intellectual honesty is authorised to care a straw that the Pope says “inadmissible” instead of “wrong”, as the meaning and the effect are exactly the same. 

At this point, this satanical individual has stopped shocking me. There is, as I have already written in the past, nothing that would let me say of him “I would have never thought that he could do this”. If it were to turn out that he celebrates black masses, or has screwed children, or his mother, I would not be surprised, either. 

We have now to wait and see whether among that bunch of Reprobates calling themselves Bishops and Cardinals someone (hopefully, someone without a collection of bras) is man enough to denounce the heresy and the Pope who spreads it. I will not be holding my breath. 

The silver lining in all this is this: a good Lord allowed this satanical individual to abandon himself to his folly to this point, so that even the most tepid Catholic may be given the opportunity to choose Him instead of that clown. In the darkest hour, Providence is working for us. 

Pope Francis the Heretic, go to hell without me. 

Let those who want to be blinded pay the price of their rebellion.  

We stay on the side of two thousand years of Catholics before us.








Posted on August 3, 2018, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Dissent, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. I totally agree.

    At this point the only thing that is still not clear is if Bergoglio is the False Prophet of Revelation.

  2. M, my link above demonstrates how this latest debacle from Rome is further fulfillment of Fatima. Lord, Have Mercy.

  3. ‘…someone without a collection of bras…’. Hilarious!

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