Daily Archives: March 3, 2019

The Cardinal Has No Clothes

Dancing Dolan


The times when a Cardinal could do one thing and say another without consequences are rapidly ending. It is not that they are going to desist from their hypocritical behaviour; rather, they are going to be called on it much faster, and much more often.

Point in case: Cardinal Dolan, the Head Buffoon of the Church in the US.

This is the guy who has given scandals so many times in recent years one easily forgets half of them. He is happy to march together with inverted activist on St Patrick’s parade, has not problem in taking part to a scandalous Met Gala that mocks the church, and has refused to excommunicate Governor Cuomo for his support to the Goebbelsian law allowing infanticide in the State of New York. Actually, he ha attacked those who want the man excommunicated. A more useful idiot (or accomplice) has the world seldom had.

You would think one like that has at least the decency to shut up and not try to dress himself as moraliser, or conservative, or both.


Fat guy tweets his own reflection about the latest fake Synod and the feast day of St Peter Damian, clearly hoping to polish his “conservative” credentials with some conservative tweeting after actually doing nothing in real life.

The punishment is swift:  Michael Voris leads the charge, many others follow. The bad Cardinal is simply atomised. I am pretty sure he fondly remembers the day when being a Cardinal was enough to be as hypocritical as you want without well-known Catholic journalists replying with a request that you resign.

The Cardinal has no clothes, and not only his obesity, but his stunning hypocrisy are shown to the faithful in the crudest, and perfectly deserved, way.

I remember the time when there weren’t many places online where you could read open accusations of Cardinals and Bishops. One of those was, I must say, this little effort. But I must see, with great satisfaction, that the explicit language once the preserve of a handful of blogs has now become pretty much mainstream. I am also rather satisfied to report that the amount of messages criticising yours truly for criticising prelates has dwindled to almost zero. It appears that, in the end, the Catholic planet has opened its eyes.

The new wave of clerical sexual scandals, of which only a stupid prelate or Pope Francis can believe we are not at the very beginning, will continue this process. Nor can said stupid prelates (or evil Pope) hope that they will manage to contain and domesticate the narrative to one of “a handful of paedophile priests”, because the now unleashed faithful Catholics will remind the planet every day that the real problem is the great quantity of homosexual priests.  Actually (cough) St Peter Damian comes to mind.

There was a time when a high cleric (or a Pope; Benedict was actually exactly such a guy on several occasions) could afford to abet the agenda of the leftist nine days out of ten and then preserve his reputation of “conservative” with a tweet, an interview, an occasional decent episcopal appointment, or a rather isolated motu proprio. Those times have gone.

Cardinal Dolan will soon learn that being a party guy and power friend during the week, and a wannabe tweet hero on a Saturday, gets more and more uncomfortable. The time for these little PR tricks is gone. We, the pewsitter, will take care that it remains so.

I close with the words of Michael Voris in his answer to the Cardinal’s tweet:

Really want reform?
