Daily Archives: March 12, 2019

Old Bastards

I was informed today that , I think, not-anymore-Cardinal McCarrick is very frail now, and going often to confession.

Question: why is he not in jail?

You can have your confession in jail, too; and I am absolutely sure that a man who is so contrite would want – nay: demand! – to atone in a very public way for his horrible sins; particularly considering that his alleged sudden recovery of Christian feeling and attitude was precipitated not by his conversion, but by his exposure.

The time for sniffing after we are told that another bastard is frail is gone. May McCarrick save his soul if he can – I doubt it just as much as I doubt his conversion – , but I for one will not give the man one centimetre.

Goes for Francis and the others, too….



Yep, I have found the title for this blog post.


Everyday Greatness

The judicial appointments of Great Mr Forty-Five continue unabated. The Senate pushes with him – I wish they did it in all the other parts of Trump’s agenda! – and, together, they are reshaping the judiciary.

This is no great news anymore, as two Supreme Court appointments have now quenched the thirst for big headlines; but is still very relevant, as only a limited amount of cases are examined every year by the Supreme Court, and sanity in the lower ones can go a long way in helping the Country to normalise again.

It is a sad truth of politics that good policies have a sell by date. Deliver your promises to the electorate in an exemplary way and you will get high praise, for a while. Keep doing exactly the same and you will be ignored. The great focus on the Wall in 2020 should not cause the US voters to forget that Trump is delivering beyond the most optimistic hopes of myself and many others.

He keeps doing it day in and day out, without great fanfare but with great constancy, in things big and small. The other day he offered Chick-Fil-A fare to some guests of his. This is everyday greatness, and it clearly comes from the heart.

I truly hope that Trump can deliver on the Wall, and I am well aware of the danger for his presidency if he shouldn’t. But in all this we should never forget how much the man is delivering in so many other areas (from taxes to military, from China to North Korea, from TPP to Paris Agreement, to the fight against excessive regulations and stupid environmentalism, trannies in the army and so much more…).

Ig would be the height of self-inflicted stupidity to deny such a man a second mandate because of one or two issues in which he has been under par.

We forget at our peril how good we have it with Great 45, the master of everyday greatness.