Daily Archives: March 6, 2019

The Ultimate Sacrilege: Yuca-rist

With alarm I have read that the Evil Clown might be planning to pull another blasphemous, sacrilegious, heretical stunt and “allow” (rather: try to invent) a communion wafer made out of the Yuca plant for the joy of some indigenous population in some remote forest.

This obvious act of sacrilege and complete negation of the very basics of Christian thinking shows, if the rumours are true, the monstrous attitude of a monstrous Pope, to whom everything in Catholicism must be remade in the name of worldly values.

The Monstrous Pope clearly does not believe in God and in an immutable Truth, as his stunts on the Capital Punishment and the infidels’ religions “willed by God” clearly show. Nothing is safe, nothing is sacred, nothing is actually worth anything unless if can be put at the service of some earthly goal like his stupid ideas aboug social justice, equality, the environment etc.

Francis wants to die leaving as his legacy a huge “eff you” to the whole of Catholicism, and as he clearly does not believe in God it is obvious he is also not worried about what will happen to him if he dies unrepentant. He is now clearly bent on creating his own monument, consisting of a small, humble Francis around his huge, huge, stretched middle finger.

Even if the news were to prove untrue, the very fact that such an idea does not seem to anyone beyond the pale for a guy like Francis tells you everything you need to know about the crisis we are living.

A monstrous man sits on the sea of Peter. This is what must happen in the end when the Church decides it is time for an “aggiornamento” .

True or not, pray that a monstrous papacy like this one ends soon. It is bad enough what he has already done, and it will take a long time to repair everything when the man is gone. But let us hope the the list of the blasphemies does not get much longer.


The Creepy Smoke

And it came to pass that yours truly was inflicting a V II Mass on himself on Ash Wednesday, and the music was even more atrocious than usual: childish and effeminate at the same time. By the bye, no one “participated” in the singing, I think most offered their suffering to the Lord.

And then the thought striked me: what if these stupid Sixties songs had been childish and effeminate… for the specific reason of allowing the children to come near the priest, or the choir director? What if they had aimed at creating in young, but older boys a kind of sexual confusion, making them more vulnerable to predatory adults?

I know it sounds absurd, but these damn songs are so creepy and disturbing that such an intent cannot so easily be excluded, particularly as it become increasingly clearer how many homosexual people have gravitated around the Church in the last decades.

Am I being a tad paranoid? Maybe.

But at my age I begin to realise that when there is a creepy smoke, the perverted fire cannot be ruled out.