Daily Archives: March 14, 2019

Another One Bites The Dust: Cardinal Danneels Finally Stretches His Paws*.

Good news from Belgium.

We are informed that one of the worst scoundrels infesting the Church – the gay-promoting, church-hating, conclave-plotting, St Gallen-mafia-member Cardinal Danneels – has finally kicked the bucket and, as they say, met his Maker.

The air is now, it seems to me, cleaner and full of a fragrance that promises Spring.

As to really meeting his Maker, I doubt that the Cardinal had any chance of that, it being far more likely that he was simply instantly plunged in some very deep, freshly digged, extremely stinking pit in hell; very possibly in the company of a bunch of very, very horny, extremely bitchy, screeching homosexual priests.

Mind: I do not wish the man damnation. However, I reflect that in order to avoid hell he would have had to become one of ours just before death, after being for decades the very epitome of the obdurate scoundrel stinking of Reprobation from three thousand miles away. Therefore, you can guess his chances of salvation with some accuracy, that is: zero plus a huge miracle of mercy.

I honestly do not give a Danneels one way or the other: Thy will be done. His will was most certainly done when a bill possibly as substantial as the US Federal Debt was presented to the creepy, pervy guy. However it went, we rejoice at knowing that God’s will has, once again, unavoidably triumphed.

Still, the air smell purer today, as if freed from a big polluting agent.

We await now the summoning of the Evil Clown to his, no doubt, terrible judgment. I wonder how he reacted at this clear message that the clock is ticking furiously for him, too….

I can’t avoid thinking Francis will land in the basement of Danneels new living quarters, but this is just me….

Pray for the scoundrel, if you have the stomach.

Your prayer will, in case, applied to a less scoundrelly soul.


* saucy Italian expression…