Monthly Archives: February 2019

A Question About Cardinal Pell

The news is everywhere so that part will be kept short: the Cardinal was convicted of an assault and “forced” sexual act that seems both frail in the accusation themselves (one of the accusers, dead in the meantime, and if memory serves an addict, would have confessed of lying) and absurd for the circumstances in which it would have taken place.  Also, it seems impossible that a man able of such an absurdly, risky, “daring” behaviour would not be so addicted to it as to be exposed not one, but one hundred times during the many decades in a position of power. It this had been the way he gets his “kicks”, he would have been totally incapable of controlling himself.

Everybody is discussing the Cardinal’s innocence or guilt. I have a different question: is Cardinal Pell homosexual?

More to the point: has the Cardinal denied that he is homosexual in the first place? If he did, I have never read about it, and it would greatly, greatly surprise me that this has not been the very fundament of his defence.

If he hasn’t, sorry to disturb Houston, but we have the usual damn problem.

The astonishing scandal of a homosexual Cardinal must not be hushed behind the sensational news of a convicted Cardinal. We need to denounce the rot beyond what is interesting to the secular press. We need to make of this, not of the distraction of a possibly never happened abuse, the real centre of the conversation.We can’t give the world and the Catholics in the pews the impression that a homosexual Cardinal is just a side news.

I have been no admirer of Cardinal Pell for a while. When he was reported to have explored with the Australian Government ways to force a priest to report what happens in the confessional (I don’t care about the nuances: in this matter, a Cardinal must be like Caesar’s wife) I was done with the guy. I will, also, not cry one single tear if a homosexual Cardinal is convicted, because if he really is homosexual (which I don’t know for sure, but this is the impression I gathered up to now) the monstrosity of his entire life makes the abuse of an adolescent, obviously also homosexual boy pale in comparison.

I will wait to see whether I hear more about this specific fact. It can be that the Cardinal claims to be, and in fact is, straight. But then a lot of the reporting I have read would be just as absurd for not mentioning this as the very core of the debunking of the accusations against him.

Sodomite priest were, in more Christian times, given to the secular justice to be executed. If the man is a homosexual (and in this case, very likely, a sodomite), let the statement above sink in before you cry for Cardinal Pell. If he is straight and innocent of all accusations, he is still a traitor and fake conservative.

We need to realise that we have many, many more enemies in our own rank than we think, and act accordingly.









How The Frauds Have Fallen!

Father Rosica, the pro homo guy known for persecuting poor bloggers and thinking that a Pope can do what he wants with doctrine, has (had to) resign from a number of offices after a remarkable career as a plagiarist was revealed.

His fall was rapid, and not unexpected. Also unsurprisingly, the man tried to blame other people for several decades of intellectual theft. Oh, these pesky trainees! You turn your back one second to go buy some salt and they build you an entire career on plagiarism, for decades!

I honestly think Father Rosica has, at some point, persuaded himself that he is homosexual, thus believing himself sufficiently protected inside and outside of the Vatican. Salty, uh?

Something went wrong in this mental process. I do not know exactly what, but hey….

I rejoice with Vox Cantoris and hope he and his wife have enjoyed their bottle of bubbly to the last drop. Visit his excellent blog extra for the occasion. The man fought for all of us. He has richly deserved his bubbly.

As for myself, I will wait for the fall of Father Martina, or however that tool is called.


The SSPX and the New Normality

The SSPX has reacted to Pope Francis’ “False religions are willed by God” “interfaith” statement. A tad slow, our friends, you might say. However, no-one doubted on which side they were, and I do not think that the SSPX should feel obliged to react to current events within the news cycle. Still, one notices Cardinal Mueller did pretty much the same job in a fraction of the time.

This statement should reassure all those who had felt abandoned by the SSPX because they were being a tad slow. However, people of such little faith and such precipitous pessimism will always be ready to announce the end of the world every time something does not go according to their very fearful taste; therefore, I will leave them to their own fears.

The statement in itself is not really news, because entirely predictable and anticipated in its content. What is, however, rapidly becoming news is that Francis is being condemned from both the right (read: those who are right) and the left. Quite an accomplishment for a man extremely known for his propensity to the easy gestures and the cheap slogans: the wheelchairs, the acts of “humility”, the hotel bill and the Renault 4, all that kind of easy, approval-seeking Kindergarten exercises. With all that dumb stuff going on, and the white tunic to boot, how can a Pope become the object of worldwide criticism?

With all this, and with all the immense goodwill a Pope will be entitled to, Francis has still managed to be shot at from all side. His toxic combination of heresy, arrogance, incompetence, communism, and even downplaying of paedophilia is probably unique on the planet, it is a satanic cocktail so evidently poisonous that even the BBC slowly notices it.

This man is quite the circus attraction. It will be entertaining to see him digging a deeper and deeper hole for himself as he keeps insulting everybody and condemning everything that is not just as dumb as he is. It is, at the same time, a great grace given to us: so that, once realised that this disgraceful Pontificate is but the explosion of the bubo of Vatican II, we can at least be glad that we have been given an enemy so easy to spot, unable to deceive even those dullest and dumbest of people: mainstream journalists.

The real news today is not that the SSPX has reacted to the 4 February statement.

It is that it has now become the new normality that nobody, nobody but a bunch of homo prelates can stand this guy.


Francis, Toys, Pram.

The fake synod about the Vatican’s fake concern about dealing with paedos has come to an end and, predictably, it was another PR disaster.

Francis, whose incompetence and stupidity are rapidly becoming apparent to non-Catholics, has used his final address for some vague blabla about the issue, whilst he accused the press of amplifying it too much.

As far as I can see, not one word about the central issue: homosexuality among the clergy.

Reflect for a moment on the immense arrogance of a man who, forced to pretend that he is doing something, does not even manage to do a bit of pretending without his total disinterest for the issue emerging.

My impression is that the man is now basically throwing toys out of the pram, out of spite and childishness, as he often does; and seeing enemies in all but the only category of people he should see as his real enemies: homosexual prelates and their enablers. This explains decisions like the role given to Cupich in this synod, or the appointment of Farrell as Camerlengo. These are the people who would go down, or to jail, if the Big Clean-up were to start. They will stay on his side to the end. He knows he can count on them as even the secular press is forced to see Francis for what he is: an incompetent buffoon without any other interest than the preservation of his job and its ruthless, childish enjoyment for all the time left to him.

Francis can’t even pretend to care a straw. This is how arrogant and stupid he is. He is as if the worst bully among the pupils were suddenly made headmaster. Francis is just that boy, catapulted to a role so much bigger than him that he can’t even understand the first two things of what is good for him.

Pity the old nincompoop. And pray that he may die soon.


Francis’ Middle Finger

Some people were, actually, surprised that Francis appointed Cardinal Farrell, Roommate In Chief, as Camerlengo.

I wasn’t and, if you know Francis a little, neither should you.

What Francis is doing is, very simply, giving the middle finger to everybody: the Catholics out there, the press, the sane clergy that has remained, literally everybody.

The man is obviously extremely crossed that even his traditional favourite, the secular press, is looking at him in a way that does not even remotely resemble the fawning and plate licking we have seen in recent years. The magic is gone, and the Pope is suspected of protecting paedos right and left.

Spiteful and vengeful as he is, the old, lewd man does the only thing he knows how to do: has an angry reaction that shows his opponents how much he despises them.

Farrell’s appointment is a huge F U to all of us and all of them. It is Francis’ way to tell everybody where to go. It is nothing to do with the role of the Camerlengo or with Francis’ intention of how the Vatican is to be run between his death and the choice of his successor. It is simply Francis being his old stupid, childish, vulgar, spiteful, revenfeful self.

Let’s hope the Camerlengo has a lot to do very soon. This old cretin has really crossed all possible lines, and keeps looking for new ones.


Francis’ Downfall And God’s Sense Of Humour

As the latest charade of the Evil Clown on the crimes of his protegees is about to begin, the Washington Post publishes the story of the Provolo Institute.

I have already written in detail the shocking story of this institution, and I invite you to use a search engine – or the search function of this blog – to locate it. The story in itself is not new, neither is the fact that it appears clear that Francis knew, or refused to know, about what was happening and did nothing.

What is new is the fact that even a symphatising publication like WaPo breaks ranks with the leftist establishment and publishes the most abrasive – albeit very softly worded – indictment of the hypocritical behaviour of the Evil Clown even as his fake exercise is about to begin. This is a blow straight to the sternum of the Pope.

The brutal truth is that Francis is not only a heretic who hates Catholics (WaPo is very fine with this), but one who has clearly protected paedos in his function as Pope. This, the world cannot, and will not, forgive, “humble Pope” or not.

Now, don’t get me wrong: Francis’ protection of the criminal behaviour of perverted priests is as bad in my book as it is in the world’s. But in my book, heresy is even worse; something which the secular minds of the Washington Post would very possibly be unable to grasp even after several hours of great effort.

The bottom line? Francis is going down, fast and hard. The more he lives, the more he will be compromised, then it is clear by now that his collection of skeletons must be quite remarkable. However, he will not go down for raping the Church, about which the world, the Cardinals and the Bishops, almost to a man, do not care. He will go down for displeasing the world instead.

Everyone who thinks God does not have the most divinely refined sense of humour is simply not paying attention.


Bye Bye, Shamima.

Some year ago, a very dumb UK citizen, the 15 year old Shamima Begum, decided that the smart thing to do was to leave the UK and join the ISIS together with other two 15 years old girls just as dumb as herself.

Fast forward four years: one of the dumb girls was killed, and our own dumb girl was married to a chap currently wanted by the Dutch for terror activities.

Girl, around 19 in the meantime and with a child, decides that she has had enough of, erm, warm climates. She therefore asks to come back to the UK, where her and the little bastard will be able to scrounge an existence at the expense of the taxpayers of that same Country to which ISIS declared war. This she does for the good of the child, she says. Very strange, this: that it be good for a child to grow in the same society the likes of Shamima wanted to destroy.

Sadly for the aspiring scrounger, it seem that it will not happen that way. Not only the request has been refused, but the young idiot is being deprived of the UK citizenship as she also has a Bangladeshi one (oh, the miracles of diversity and inclusion, integrating and fostering loyalty in people of such diverse background!)

What is most remarkable in this is that the anger against the young woman does not centre around her betraying her fatherland, but about her refusal (I told you she is dumb) to state that she regrets going away to join ISIS in some capacity or other (and be it: “disposable uterus”). I deduct from this that, had the woman not been so irredeemably dumb, she might have had a shot at coming back, with the young ISIS bastard in tow, proceeding to scrounge from those she hates for the rest of her, no doubt, miserable existence at the cost of some words for the enjoyment of the bleeding hearts of the Realm.

I remember reading that the British actively terminate the UK male citizens who moved to ISIS-controlled territories whenever they can. Ms Shamima Begum is, therefore, lucky to be the carrier of a uterus. This is sexist, you might say; but hey, it’s the way of the world.

Enjoy life, Shamima.

It’s the bed you made. I hope you will find it every little bit as halal as I hope it will be.


Homo Bait

A book is about to be published, making rather fantastic allegations like the one that up to 80% of the Vatican priests are inverted, besides throwing mud on Benedict.

The book is written by a homosexual.

I wonder how naive one must be in order to fail to understand that homosexuals will always exaggerate their number with normal people, in order to give a varnish of “normality” to their condition. Also, the clear desire of these people to attract attention on themselves puts an end to any hypothesis that the man might, on an argument that so much titillates the public curiosity, keep a semblance of correct reporting.

Let me give you the lowdown on this:

Every homosexual in the priesthood is one too much.

Do not give any help to the marketing of this rubbish. Do not even mention the title of the book or the name of its author, so that it gets automatically ignored by search engines.

We have no need for inverted people telling us that there are inverted priest, whilst behaving like every other inverted.


Lock Him Up!

Sodomite TV actor of, I am told, some “celebrity” has finally been exposed as having staged a fake attack against his own perverted self.

Lock him up, says I. However, it is very likely that the individual in question will get away with it, and will possibly try to raise further capital from his criminal offence (you know, “raise awareness” and all that).

Had it happened on the other side, the cries for the lynching of the culprit would be deafening.

Mr Smollett is not only a sodomite; he is Black, too. Basically, he is the Panda, twice. I really doubt he will be made an example.

It is funny to note that it might be that the fake news were staged in order to prevent Mr Smollett from being kicked out of the show that made him (I am told) famous.

He clearly wanted to be the Panda, thrice.

Mr Smollett’s likely impunity means that all sorts of leftist nutcases, more or less perverted, will keep feeling free to stage attack from people who support Trump; and let only one case be true, thirty hoaxes will be forgiven.

Lock him up.

There should be no place on the streets for people who incite to civil strife, causing an awful lot of expenses in the meantime.


NHS Goes Dr Mengele on Its Patients

The United Kingdom is marching fast towards the presumption of organ donation. This means, in real life, that every Mengele-type doctor (of whom there are many, though they do not see themselves that way) will see many a patient as a useful provider of human spare parts. This is quite ok with these people, because they see human life as just another form of animal life and the end of life as something not linked to any Divine will. They will, therefore, not hesitate in abandoning the fight for a human life whenever other lives can be saved by harvesting his organs.

You can, they tell us, “opt out”; but apart from the intrinsic monstrosity of saying to people that the NHS will “go Mengele” on them unless they opt out, you can bet your dog that it will not be many years before incrementalism creeps in and those who opt out are punished in various ways (e.g. with higher NI contribution) and treated like selfish bastards before the opt out is outlawed outright.

This is where the lack of awe for the human life and the end of the Christian vision of a God-given life has led us. This is nothing more than the logical continuation of the mentality that gave us abortion. If it is allowed to dispose of a human life for the comfort of her mother, why should it be not allowed to terminate a human life for the survival of other humans?

What people forget is that Dr Mengele did not think he was doing anything evil. He merely discarded the sacredness of human life when it was convenient to the scope he wanted to reach. I am pretty sure he was quite nice to his neighbours, too.

Now Dr Mengele becomes mainstream, courtesy of the British Democracy; a Democracy betrayed and ridiculed by its very representative whenever convenient (look at the Brexit saga to watch open, blatant disregard for the clearly stated will of the people) , but also used to further the agenda of Satan; which must perforce happen when the voters just stop believing in God. All this happens under the miserable excuse of a Sovereign who is supposed to be “Defender of the Faith” and seems, if the rumours are true, quite happy to let the Faith go to the dogs, because niceness. She could abdicate, of course, making the Monarchy halfway relevant for one last time. But that, I am afraid, wouldn’t be the nice, or convenient, thing to do.

God will, I think, not save the Queen, or many of his godless subjects.


Forgive Me Father, Because I Left The Light On.

The Evil Clown has recently complained that people never confess the sin of offending nature, whatever that is.

With the stupidity that is so typical of the man, he added that this is because they are not aware that those are sins, you know.

So we have a situation where, for two thousand years, Christians have not been aware that something is a sin. But then Francis arrives on the scene, and proceeds to teach Christianity what is what. Let this sink in.

One truly has to be a functional retard in order to miss the arrogance, stupidity and veiled blasphemy of all this. Francis seems blissfully unaware, or – because even he might be more intelligent than that – defiantly uncaring of all the cow-defying flatulence he produces.

This is the man who downplays sexual sins at every occasion, and is on record with telling journalists not to expect too much success in the fight against paedo priests, because hey…. But woe to you, you like flying to your holiday destination. Repent!! And buy an old Renault 4! No, wait, that is sinful, too! I wonder if Frankie has confessed it?

Again, the conclusion is easy to reach: Francis is either satanically evil or shockingly stupid, tertium non datur. I vote for mainly evil, but also dumb; though not that dumb.

And now excuse me, I need to go to the kitchen, where I will “sin” with a nice steak; actually savouring not only the meat in itself, but the thought of all that “sinful” CO2 that went into its production. Tsk, tsk…


Benedict: The Hindenburg To Francis’ Hitler.

The unexpected announcement of Pope Benedict that he would abdicate on the 11 February 2013 has started a chain of events that, seen six years later, look like a well-deserved punishment for the decade-long infidelity of Vatican II, and the way chosen by a just God to put us in front of the consequences of the rebellion we have created and approved and clapped to for decades.

What I would like to avoid is the impression that if Benedict had not resigned, everything would be fine and the Church would be marching toward sanity in great strides. Whilst this is a guessing game, my take is that the decline would have continued unabated, only in a slower form and without the cold comfort of knowing that Francis does hate the Church and his game is too dumb to deceive anyone who cares about his own salvation.

Firstly, consider this: Benedict had received the famous 300 pages report and had deemed himself too weak to do anything. Therefore, if he had stayed he would have done exactly that: nothing.

Also, whilst McCarrick was unofficially in a sort of punishment during Benedict’s Pontificate, it was a punishment just as weak as Benedict: an informal, sort-of, hush-hush kind of thing that truly reveals the weak, compromise-prone, spineless attitude of the man.

I also wonder (and I know what I answer) whether Benedict knew about the proclivities of the Farrells and Wuerls of the world before reading the famous report; people he allowed to exercise a vast amount of power during his Pontificate.

At the moment he resigned, Benedict had clearly become the useful idiot of a vast homosexual lobby, happy to keep doing their dirty deeds and biding their time as they feigned indignation at the “conservative” Pope. If Benedict had stayed in power, the decline of everything Catholic would have continued more slowly, but unabated.

Francis at least gave many people a sorely needed wake-up call; a painful and traumatic one, certainly, but a necessary one, too. With Benedict, the Pollyannism would have reached unsuspected highs as the likes of Father Martin would have kept faggoting around and the “piously naive” Catholics would have kept repeating their consoling, feel-good legend about the “good man” surrounded by wolves who just doesn’t know, poor innocent lamb, what happens around him, because evil people keep him away from newspaper, radio, TV, computers, decent people, and thinking.

When the future speaks his verdict about this horrible XXI Century, Benedict will be judged very harshly. I have tried to have understanding for the man and, before knowing the facts we all know now, have tried to give him all the credit I reasonably could. But the events which came to light in the last year throw such a sinister light on Benedict’s Pontificate that it is impossible that the man goes out of it with his reputation intact. They also throw an ominous shadow on the decision to abdicate, as it appear less and less likely that the man could reasonably hope that a strong, conservative Catholic could have come out of the Conclave. More likely, after what we know now, he knew of the strength of the homo lobby among the Cardinals and just caved in to them, out of cowardice and tiredness but giving to himself the convenient excuse that a stronger man was needed, a man he knew full well would probably never be elected.

Benedict was the Hindenburg to Francis’ Hitler. I have no good opinion of him, and he does not inspire in me any compassion. He knew when he accepted the job what it entailed. He is culpable of dereliction of duty even as he kept clinging to the trinkets of his positions, in a vain and ultimately failed attempt to persuade us that he was not a Celestine.

He was a Celestine all right, without any of the saintliness.


Time To Act On The Wall



The 15 February is rapidly approaching and I am fearing that Trump will find, well, some excuse to dilly-dally again.

Wonderful President that he has been until now, on the wall he is running out of excuses pretty fast. It is pretty clear that not only he has the power to declare an emergency to build the wall, but actually he could (at least until the money lasts) start building the wall without declaring any emergency. There are simply no excuses not to act.

I seem to understand what Trump has been trying to do.

  1. He wants to send a message that he has tried all, but truly all, to make the Democrats reason, and he wants to expose them as enemies of the American people. This is possibly working, but at a price.
  2. He is not disinclined to bring the phase of the ferocious confrontation nearer the 2020 election. This is, I think, unwise.
  3. He wants to bend the Democrats to accept a compromise that he would be able to claim as a victory. This will, I think it is clear enough by now, never happen.

However, there are limits to how this can be made to work, and honestly I think it has not worked already. If he had declared the state of emergency in 2017, or at the very least after the compromise on the Omnibus, the wall would now be fairly advanced, with drone cameras able to make video ads for all of the campaign 2020. He might have been able to do (even) better in 2018, too. Yes, he would have been seen as “partisan”. Screw that. He was seen as partisan enough in 2016, without the bonus of being the sitting president, and see what he has accomplished from that much more difficult position.

Further shutdowns will not help him. A president that provokes another shutdown to obtain something for which he does not need any shutdown only damages himself. He needs to act and do what he has the power to do, taking all the responsibility as the Commander in Chief and the one responsible for the security of the American people.

Will he do it? We shall see. After two years of awaiting decisive action, I can’t be very optimistic on this.


Enough Is Enough! Cardinal Mueller Releases Strong-worded Anti-Francis Manifesto

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Enough is enough. Even Cardinals now see it.

Well, this is good news.

Cardinal Mueller has released a strong-worded manifesto, that is so pointedly, so evidently, so insistently anti-Francis that the fact Mueller does not mention the name will not prevent it from making headlines all over the planet.

It is a systematic demolition of some of Francis’ heretical (I am talking here in the common sense intended by decent people; not in the sense referred to in the ruminations of weak Canonists) statements on the One True Faith, communion for adulterers, hell and repentance, male priesthood, and other stuff I now forget.

The words are strong, often taken directly from the Scriptures or from the Catechism.

Some random snippets follow, but the tone is the same throughout the document:

“Many wonder today what purpose the Church still has in its existence, when even bishops prefer to be politicians rather than to proclaim the Gospel as teachers of the Faith.”

“To keep silent about these and the other truths of the Faith and to teach people accordingly is the greatest deception against which the Catechism vigorously warns. It represents the last trial of the Church and leads man to a religious delusion, “the price of their apostasy” (CCC 675); it is the fraud of Antichrist. “He will deceive those who are lost by all means of injustice; for they have closed themselves to the love of the truth by which they should be saved” (2 Thess 2:10).”

“For he that shall be ashamed of me, and of my words, in this adulterous and sinful generation: The Son of Man also will be ashamed of him, when He shall come in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” (Mark 8:38).

This is a big, fat, “enough is enough!”

The Cardinal does not go to war openly against Francis, but he ridicules him in front of the Catholic world. The Cardinal clearly seems to either defy Francis to take measures against him, or to show that Francis has become so embarrassing that he will now be openly corrected and contradicted without any regard for his position of authority.

When a Cardinal accuses the Pope, in an official manifesto, of making the work of the Antichrist, I think many faithful listen.

Whilst Cardinal Mueller was never an example of orthodoxy, this manifesto is better than any meowing that has ever come from Cardinal Burke and his sorry band of Bragging Kitten. It is strong, insisted, bold-faced, and quite the wake-up call. It does not ask Francis to state the truth. It does it for him, whether he likes it or not.

I very much doubt that the Cardinal is alone on this. But I will give him credit for this: that he had the gut to come out with words of truth alone, putting himself on the firing line.

What will Francis now do? Punish a Cardinal for a document consisting almost entirely of quotations from the Catechism and the Scriptures? I’d love to see it. I think I’d have to buy a new popcorn-maker.

My take is that Mueller is sending to Francis a simple, but clear message: “Shut up, old nincompoop. Enough is enough. You have been testing our patience for long enough.”

Again: Mueller is a an experienced politician and diplomatic. He knows what he is doing.

There might be more behind this than meets the eye.





Covington: Make The Responsible Go Flipping Burgers

The Diocese of Covington has issued one of those sugary apologies for the way a Catholic diocese has treated a group of perfectly decent Catholic boys.

Too little and too late.

Firstly, the apology only came after the diocese was threatened with a law suit. Secondly, the scale of what has happened (a Catholic diocese eagerly taking part to the public lynching of their own boys) is not something that can be washed away with an apology.

What happened is a symptom of a very serious disease: the fact that many Catholic dioceses have sold out to the world to such an extent that they cannot resist taking part in the lynching of their own, lest anyone thinks they are not wordly and politically correct enough.

This should have consequences going way beyond an apology, and I hope that the diocese is sued anyway and this scandal makes as much noise as possible.

The lives of several good Catholic boys could have been destroyed. Obvioysly, this was of no consequence to the people responsible for the statement released by the Covington diocese; people clearly so morally rotten that they do not hesitated one second in believing the “white supremacist” fake news leftist narrative because the boys were… wearing MAGA hats!

It is time for the PR people of the Diocese to go flipping burgers or, alternatively, apply for a job at the CNN or the New York Times, where they will be able to fulfil their real vocation of brown-nosing to liberal culture.

As to the Bishop, we need to know whether he was previously informed and approved of the statement and, if yes, he should be sent to the most rural parish in Kentucky as a parish priest, assuming he still remembers how to celebrate Mass. But honestly, even if he did not know of the statement, he should be held responsible both for the people he employs and for not having fired them in advance of the threat of a law suit.

This happened in Kentucky, for crying out loud. It goes to show what a sewer of political correctness the average US Diocese has become.

Will heads roll? I doubt.

Should they? Most certainly, and many of them.

Catholic dioceses have become the enemies of their own boys. This truly says it all.

Kudos to you, brave Covington boys.

You are making America great again, and FrancisChurch just a little less miserable.


The Pro-Life President

Yesterday’s State of the Union speech touched all the right chords. President Trump was strong but compassionate, and assertive without being unduly divisive.

His strong words against the evil of, well, infanticide were beautiful, his pro-life stance unmistakable and boldly declared.

I struggle to remember a head of state and/of government in one of the big five Western European Countries doing the same; not only now, but looking back several decades.

Not for the first time, I thank God for the great gift that He has given us with this man; a gift the more precious, as even the Pope prefers to side with the enemy.

Not for the first time, my blood boils with rage – albeit in a way tempered by the victory already achieved – at the thought of all the Judases and assorted idiots who have chosen to stab this man in the back and either not vote or vote against him, because they felt so much better than him.

Scumbags. Hypocrites. Idiots. People who would have given us Hillary so they can trumpet their alleged holiness for the next four years, assuring us that the end is near because of the evil they themselves have contributed to cause.

The scumbags lost. Trump won. And whilst he did not prove a perfect President (something we all knew already), I can safely say that the man has, up to now, exceeded all but the most optimistic expectations.

God gave us a great gift; but, as so always, His gift came in a stealth way, with a man that defies stereotypes and does not conform to any abstract Catholic ideal of a statesman; which, if he had done, would have made him utterly and completely unelectable in the first place.

Instead, God gave us this man: brash, fearless, utterly politically incorrect, lover of fights, and clearly pro-life.

The scumbags lost. Trump won. But make no mistake, there will be no lack of bastards come 2020. The most pro-life President since Ronald Reagan needs us to start working for him now, and weight his shortcomings against the immense evil of a Bloomberg, Harris or (ha! I am having a Spartacus moment now!) Booker Presidency.

We have a great pro-life President. We should pray for him every day.

As the Macrons of the world are fine with having the Continent invaded by strange peoples and cultures even as they kill their own people in the womb, Trump’s recipe is exactly the opposite.

The State of the Union speech gave us another insight into the immense distance separating Trump from his major European counterparts.

It feels so good to know that at the White House we have a pro-life President.


The Pro-Life President

Yesterday’s State of the Union speech touched all the right chords. President Trump was strong but compassionate, and assertive without being unduly divisive.

His strong words against the evil of, well, infanticide were beautiful, his pro-life stance unmistakable and boldly declared.

I struggle to remember a head of state and/of government in one of the big five Western European Countries doing the same; not only now, but looking back several decades.

Not for the first time, I thank God for the great gift that He has given us with this man; a gift the more precious, as even the Pope prefers to side with the enemy.

Not for the first time, my blood boils with rage – albeit in a way tempered by the victory already achieved – at the thought of all the Judases and assorted idiots who have chosen to stab this man in the back and either not vote or vote against him, because they felt so much better than him.

Scumbags. Hypocrites. Idiots. People who would have given us Hillary so they can trumpet their alleged holiness for the next four years, assuring us that the end is near because of the evil they themselves have contributed to cause.

The scumbags lost. Trump won. And whilst he did not prove a perfect President (something we all knew already), I can safely say that the man has, up to now, exceeded all but the most optimistic expectations.

God gave us a great gift; but, as so always, His gift came in a stealth way, with a man that defies stereotypes and does not conform to any abstract Catholic ideal of a statesman; which, if he had done, would have made him utterly and completely unelectable in the first place.

Instead, God gave us this man: brash, fearless, utterly politically incorrect, lover of fights, and clearly pro-life.

The scumbags lost. Trump won. But make no mistake, there will be no lack of bastards come 2020. The most pro-life President since Ronald Reagan needs us to start working for him now, and weight his shortcomings against the immense evil of a Bloomberg, Harris or (ha! I am having a Spartacus moment now!) Booker Presidency.

We have a great pro-life President. We should pray for him every day.

As the Macrons of the world are fine with having the Continent invaded by strange peoples and cultures even as they kill their own people in the womb, Trump’s recipe is exactly the opposite.

The State of the Union speech gave us another insight into the immense distance separating Trump from his major European counterparts.

It feels so good to know that at the White House we have a pro-life President.


About the Evil that God Allows

Frankie has done it again.

In his boundless desire to spit in the face of Catholicism he has signed, together with some Mohammedan, a declaration stating that God “willed” a plurality of religions.

You see where this is going: the usual stuff of “we are all so wonderful in our own, unique, God-willed way, so there is no need to convert anyone”.

If Francis were Catholic, he would know the fundamental difference between what God wills and what God allows. God always allows something that is wrong in order that, in some way at times not intelligible to us, some good may come of it.

A young woman is raped. Did God will it? Not in the sense that he wanted it. However, he certainly allowed it to happen. Is rape therefore something good? Certainly not.

Heresy causes great saints. An unjust war of aggression causes an awful lot of prayer. Francis causes some people to really discover Catholicism. Obama causes Trump. Rape causes… Santa Maria Goretti!

All of these things are, undoubtedly, evil. However, Providence arranges the world in such a way that even the evil God allows mysteriously, but invariably, works for the triumph of what is good.

If one does not understand this basic concepts, Christianity has no meaning to him. In his mind everything is then allowed and even good, because everything was willed by God. From fornication to cocaine and from abortion to sodomy, everything is sanctioned and cleansed of any stigma. Hey, it is God-willed…

Francis either does not understand Christianity or, much more likely, hates it.

The key to understanding this Pontificate lies in the correct perception of the hate of this man against everything that is good and holy.


Understanding Francis

Let us imagine you are a Commie and, incidentally, the Pope. One of the things you will do (besides being crass, vulgar and arrogant all the time, as befits an old resentful commie) is hating the rich. This even if, as the Pope, you now qualify as a Billionaire, even if with a couple of asterisks attached.

You are, we have just said, old, arrogant, vulgar and generally insufferable (this has to be, in a Commie Pope). This means you will deform the message of Christ at will in order to satisfy your hatred for the rich. It has to be so, because a commie Pope really can’t do it anything differently.

And so it can come to pass that said Pope travels to the UAE and conveniently forgets the “in spirit” part from the beatitudes. Blessed are the poor. That’s it.

Now, the man hates the rich, although with usual coherence he does not disdain the company of some Jet- owning individuals. He needs to appraise his audience of the fact. Therefore, he points out that many of the UAE Christians present at the usual open air mass are domestic workers of local rich people. Note here: the problem with the employers of said domestic workers is not that they are – as many of them will be – Muslims.


It is that they are rich.

Understand the man, please. He is a communist. Social hatred devours him. He does not believe in God, at all. What will he care if a man dies a Muslim? But that the man lives as a rich man, this is the problem.

All very much to be expected in a communist devoured by social hatred. I was not surprised at all by his latest, homemade commie doctrine. Once you understand Communism, social envy, and social hatred, Francis will be an open book to you.

What grates me is that countless Catholic publications will now try to give the words of an old commie a varnish of Catholicism, instead of admitting that the man just does not care a straw for Catholicism.


Patriots: Never Tire Of Winning

And so they did it again. Largely identified with Trump and therefore hated and branded, predictably, “racist”, the Patriots have shown the entire planet what a MAGA supporter looks like.

We should take them as an example. Brady is 41 and both he and Belichick marched yesterday towards their sixth (let that sink in) Superbowl. Talent coupled with professionalism and ice cold determination.

Make NFL great again.

I don’t care much for Football and find the NFL as an organisation despicable, but yesterday night I stayed up because…. MAGA. I wasn’t disappointed.

Never tire of winning. Let all the accusations of xxxxphobia make you even more determined to fight for truth, decency and sanity.

Know that your side has already won in heaven, and make of it a further motivation to win here on earth.


Monsters In Power

I have written yesterday about the new Virginia Law proposal, which would allow abortion up to the moment of birth.

Monstrous enough.

But it gets worse.

The Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, is on record with interpreting the law as follows: if a child is not aborted in time, the mother would have the possibility of getting rid of him after birth. After the legal, officially-official natural birth.

I want to vomit. Possibly on the Governor’s certainly quite expensive jacket.

These people are monsters. They are Molochs. They would possibly terrify a Pol Pot. The open display of evil beggars belief.

I reflect on the scale of the evil, as a sitting Governor would likely not do such a thing unless he thought that this furthers his political careers after his stint as Governor.

Still, I think the calculation is dumb; both for the reasons I explained yesterday and because such monstrous initiatives are certain to find their way to the Supreme Court, where the possibility of them being culled is, even with Ruth Bader Ginsburg lamentably still on her seat (asleep, of course) very high.

This will never work as propaganda instrument. This is infanticide pure and simple. You can sell it to the rabid activists, but I can’t imagine that they are so many. For every screaming witch you get, you lose two or three voters who were previously on the fence and now open their eyes.

Monsters are in power. But we must hope and pray that humanity has not sunk so deep.

This time, I think the people of Satan have overplayed their hand.