Evil Clown Had It Coming

The rag Daily Mail (yes, the one with the half naked women, the dirty gossip and other low pleasures for the dumb among the working class) has an article that tries to be sympathetic to the Evil Clown, also known as Pope Francis. I also have a link to Euronews, which at least does not have the half naked women and lurid articles.

What has the man done, to deserve to be defended by such august authorities?

He has invited the faithful to pray for illegals trying to enter Italy.

The reaction was, how shall I put it, robustly Italian. Some translations:

“Enough! Please stop with this and put on another record” (this is an Italian expression, reserved to those who always talk about the same stuff)

“Later, when you have a moment between a preaching on the migrants and a sermon on the migrants, tell us something on the abused children and the destroyed families of Bibbiano” (this is a scandal about the fostering of children)

“If, perhaps, after 4 years spent only talking about migrants, you could tell us some words about Jesus, Mary, the Resurrection, the Holy Ghost, Hell, and the Gospels, I swear that we would not be offended”.

“You have broken”*. (You should be) kicked in the ass up to Avignon!”

“Go to do” **. To look at your face gives me…….” (image is cut here, I think it goes on with “nausea” or the like).

Now that we have examined the vox populi, let us dare a little sociological examination of the event.

Up to very few years ago, it would have been unthinkable that a Pope is bombarded with insults on Twitter. If this had happened, the insults would not have come from Catholics. Moreover, any insults would have been countered by an immensely strong reaction in defence of the (Catholic) Pope. In short, anti-Catholic criticisms to a Catholic Pope would not make the news.

This here is different. These tweets come from people who, Catholic or not, see in Francis just what he is: a propagandist for the destruction of Europe. Hence, the treatment reserved to people Italians do not respect (the colourful expression above) or the polite observation that a Pope should actually be Catholic.

What is happening is the brutal fact that the Evil Clown has lost face. He has lost face on a massive scale. This is not anymore a small number of Catholics enraged at the antics of the man. This is the entire Italian Nation realising what a tool he is, and not thinking that the man is worth of respect. Some of the expressions you read are reserved to people considered common muck, or nothing more than scoundrels.

The game is up. The people are angry. The tolerance threshold for a tool like Francis is getting lower.

I can see the day when he is either pelted with foul tomatoes (less probable, because the police would intervene instantly) or booed and insulted by the Catholic masses on St Peter’s Square.

He can’t say he didn’t have it coming. Sawing and reaping comes to mind.

Poor, poor Frankie: how far away the wheelchairs seem now!


* less impolite version of “you have broken our balls”, a colourful expression meaning “you are being really annoying now”.

** less impolite, shortened version of “go f@kk yourself”.

Posted on July 12, 2019, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. You would think he would know better. But I assume he doesn’t care that he’s destroying what’s left of the Church’s credibility. So, maybe that’s his objective.

  2. Graham Moorhouse

    I think I got to the “go f@kk yourself” about three years ago …

  3. Good for the Italian people. The booing and catcalls in St. Peter’s Square cannot come soon enough. And isn’t it ironic that it took a pathetic publication such as the DM to pick up this story? Crickets so far on “Catholic” media.