Pray For Luana Wen, And Mock Her Mercilessly

Pray for Luana Wen. 

By all means, do it. Heck, I am sure you pray even for Francis when you have your stomach in order.

But do not forget that we are in a fight, and in this fight the enemy is exactly Dr Wen and the people like her. 

The one or other can be converted by kindness. But Jerusalem wasn’t retaken by kindness. More importantly, the kindness should be reserved to those who deserve it (for example, because they begin to question their baby killing beliefs), not given unconditionally to every baby killing machine.

We have been losing for too long because we try to be civil, as we are attacked mercilessly. Enough.

Suddenly, Dr Wen’s refusal to include trannies in her own particular brand of aggressive, baby-killing feminism should be seen as a positive. I frankly doubt it. Similarly, it is not clear to me how having lost a baby of her own would make her in any way, shape or form more predisposed to conversion, seen that after losing her baby she found it acceptable to sit at the top of the greatest baby-killing machine in the United States.

That event doesn’t make her better. In case, it makes her more callous. Surely, the doctors carrying experiments in Auschwitz loved their children, too?

The likes of Dr Wen should – whilst we pray for their conversion – be left in no doubt as to what decent people think of them.

When the prodigal daughter comes back to the Christian household, the fat calf will be prepared for her. But for now, she is the enemy; a baby killing individual that presided over a monstrous organisation, and was kicked out of it because she was simply not political enough for them, and because her particular brand of feminism does not include the latest feminist craze.

There is a time for peace and a time for war; there is a time for kindness and a time for harshness.

Hitler deserved no kindness.

Nor does Dr Wen.



Posted on July 23, 2019, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. “There is a time for peace and a time for war; there is a time for kindness and a time for harshness”.

    It took an army to drive Islam from Europe. Accordingly the pro life movement should mobilize an army of writers to confront the culture of death not make nice with it Imitate Christ’s attitude toward the Pharisees, i.e., harsh and unpleasant.

  2. sixlittlerabbits

    Great post, Mundabor. Saying several Hail Marys for you!

  3. I guess many are “accompanying” Dr Wen. You are correct—until she proclaims the horror of her actions she remains a cog in the killing machine.

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