Pachamama Exposes The Hypocrisy Of The Hierarchy

We are informed that, at the closing Mass of the Pagan Synod, the statues of Pachamama were not present. This, apparently, because a number of Bishops and Cardinals told Francis that they would refuse to participate if that had been the case.

You would think this good news. I am not so sure.

To tell the Pope that you refuse to participate to Mass with him is a very serious step. It does not fall far from stating that the guy is not in communion with you. It certainly indicate very grave differences with the Pope (or, in this case, the pope; and may he die today).

It is clear that, in this case, the matter of contention is not one of the hundreds of heretical statements made by the Evil Clown. It is, specifically, the presence of the pagan idols of Pachamama and the adoration offered to them.

Therefore, a number of Bishops and Cardinals considers the Pachamama incidents such grave episodes of idolatry, that they cannot be in the Church if the pagan idols are present.

Very well, then. Who these Bishops and Cardinals think responsible for these statues? Do they think that all happened because of evil people who did not inform the Pope that these are pagan goddesses adored by savages? Do they think that Francis is kept isolated from the outside world, and is not responsible for the idolatry? Do they think that it was not Francis, but his evil twin who asked the Italian Government for help in the recovery (if such took place; it is not difficult to get some more statues from Bolivia in all that time; and I would have expected the statues to show permanent signs of their very long bath) of the wooden idols?

Thought not.

This can mean only one thing: a number of Bishop and Cardinals know perfectly well that these statues represent pagan deities, and that pope Francis encourages and takes part in their idolatry. But they don’y say anything in public about this. 

The awareness of such a gross violation of the First Commandment, and the silence in front of it, is a shame just as big as Francis’ idolatry; just as Francis knows what he is doing, and still acts, the Bishops and Cardinals know what he is doing, and still remain silent. They are accomplices in his idolatry.

They will have to answer one day, with him, of his violation of the First Commandment.



Posted on October 29, 2019, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Shit for brains.

  2. catholictradition2

    Perfectly analyzed.

  3. The idol was predent in its other form, bowl of earth, with plant and red flowers , on the Altar during Mass.

  4. We have a plague or demonic prelates sprinkled in with a wave of effete ones.