Why The Polls Lie

I would like to connect to yesterday’s post and reflect on why the polls are the way they are, what interest Dems have in polling the wrong way and why they, in short, do not have any alternative to lying.

Let us, first, reflect on this: very often, news outlets pay for the polls. This is, mind, not your severe, state-owned TV station in the Fifties, like RAI in Italy, to whom accurate polling was a sacrosanct matter of credibility. The environment is, now, dominated by news outlets who have openly, blatantly, chosen the candidate they want to support. More than this, these are now not outlets who carry out a serious, balanced, fact-based journalistic activity, and then write an editorial one week before the election stating their endorsement. On the contrary, they are organisations in which the political orientation is all-pervasive, and dominates everything from proper political coverage to morning shows to sport coverage. In this perspective, it is obvious that the polls, like all the rest, will have to be in service of the mandated narrative. The poll paid for by CNN will always have a result that is as much pleasing to CNN as reasonably and, often, even unreasonably possible. Every time you read that the poll was made “with” NYT, CNN, ABC, NBC, or the like, you know you are being gaslighted, 100% of the time.

Then there is another big, big issue. Polling as a Democrat is a nasty business. Even if you are allowed to operate with a degree of independence, telling the truth will have an army of Twitter lunatics demanding that you are fired and your firm boycotted and utterly cancelled. Nate Silver was almost crucified in 2016 for merely suggesting that Hillary had “only” 70% probability of winning. The Twitter Mob does not allow for any measure of reality to filter to the polls, and they will try to utterly ruin you if you refuse to comply. Mind, I am sure that Nate Silver knew, at that time, that Trump had way more than 30% probability of victory. He just understood how dangerous would have been for him to simply say what the situation on the ground was.

The third factor to consider is the intended recipient. The intended recipient of the poll is not an educated, informed voter. They know all too well how things stand. The target of the poll is the army of poorly informed, distracted, low-interest voters who do not really educate themselves about the political situation, but are happy to absorb its echoes. They are the people who read the title of the poll article, or are merely told at the water cooler about the title others have read. This is what all is about: a pretext for a title that says “Biden 12 points in the lead”. Then the pollster and journalist will admit, in the article and the notes, that Democrats have been overrepresented to the tune of 10%, the polls is among registered voters, and minorities/younger people have been overrepresented, too. Why? Because they need the title that Biden is 12 points in front.

Last point: why do they do that? Why do they run the risk of having their people become lazier than they already are and not show up to the poll? To me, the answer to this is very simple: reality would utterly destroy Biden’s chances, as the candidate generates no enthusiasm at all. Therefore, making clear to the Country that the guy is in dire straits would never cause the mobilisation that, say, a Trump would engender. The MSM need to choose between the risk of their voters becoming complacent and the risk of them admitting defeat one month before the election. It is obvious that they choose the first, come what may. The lie might become the truth and cause a victory for Biden caused by millions of voters not being told how big Trump’s advantage was. The truth will, however, never lead Biden to victory.

Next month, we will hear more surprised voices about the “hidden vote”, or, rather the “hidden racism”, which “does not dare to reveal itself to the pollsters”.

Alas, this is the reality we live in. At this point, do not expect much in the way of “corrections” in the last days before the elections, either. It will have to be lies to the very end.

Posted on October 11, 2020, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Agree. Polls in the hands of the MSM are fraudulent used only to assuage and encourage Democrats, while attempting to discourage, confuse, and mislead Republicans and Independents. Here is The Epoch Times on two polls that get it right in 2016.

    These Models Predicted Trump’s Victory in 2016; Here’s What They Say for 2020.

  2. Anyway, Creepy Joe keep trying his “best”:

  3. Bobby Slingshot

    As you have read today the British Government is preparing for an emphatic Biden victory.

    Trump will lose and lose big. It will be a landslide victory for Biden. And you know it!

  4. They have already set the stage for the riots which will follow Trump’s re-election. They are creating an assumption that Biden will win, “it’s a lock!”, and then when Trump wins, “he stole the election!”, they are already busy setting that up. This is why Hillary advised a month ago that no matter what, Biden should never concede. The Democrats are perfectly willing to drag America through whatever Civil War they can bring about and hope for straight up revolution to stage that coup. Nothing should surprise us at this point. But certainly the Dems will use those 600 lawyers to hold things up until December or January, which has never happened as far as I know, in our nation’s history, and is a dreadful thing to do to our country. I do wonder what kind of disorder is going to happen when things are decided in our nation’s dead of winter, January. It’s hard to revolt when it’s 10 degrees and you’re falling on your head from the ice. The only way I see around this, perhaps, is a Trump landslide, which could happen. Did you see the estimated 30,000 vehicle parade for Trump in Miami? Nobody else did, because the media won’t discuss it most likely. I saw Biden standing by a train the day after the debate, talking to the crowd that assembled. The camera panned the crowd. I think there were at most 20 people total. Yeah, Biden’s going to win. So says the media.

  5. And also, the Democrats cheat, so there’s that. Mail in ballots should not be allowed, but they are, and there is going to be cheating. “Vote early and vote often”.

  6. Did anyone catch it last week, it sounded to me like he said his “Catholic face” instead of faith. Perfect…out of the mouth of babes.

  7. If nobody else cares for him, his wife ought to at least care for him, and not put him in this situation out of love and for his dignity. When I am tempted to feel sorry for him I remind myself he supports full-term abortion, that he is fine with a baby seconds from birth being executed. That straightens me out.