Wordly Is As Wordly Preaches


Forrest Gump did not have any problem in getting what Francis is all about...

Forrest Gump did not have any problem in getting what Francis is all about…

Pope Francis has made his own Christmas Banality Festival Address. An article reporting about it is here. Let us see the main features of the man’s performance.

1) Sin, Fall, Hell, Judgment, in one word: the Catholic stuff is completely absent. Francis’ speech could have been made by Obama, Mrs Merkel, or anyone else you care to mention. Clearly, Francis sees himself at the head of a Good Deeds Society in which the fundamental drama of the human condition – our sinfulness, and whether each and everyone of us will go to hell – does not play a role, and worldly concerns are not a corollary of the main message, but the message itself.

2) Poppycock galore: “there are so many tears this Christmas”. It’s a vast place, Frankie boy. It would be good if you spent a word or three about Islamist fanaticism, rather than generically whine about the “tears”, though.

3) Propaganda orgy: even Christian refugees are not safe from the dratted phone calls of this clown. Again: he is ready to spend some well-publicised words i favour of ISIS-refugees. Why they are in the situation, he does not stress at all. Hey, he implies it’s the Americans who practice state terrorism instead.

4) Populism festival: the Western world is immersed in indifference. The Pope who can’t speak about the four last things isn’t.

5) More banalities: What does the world need? “Tenderness?” Eh? 90% of Christians couldn’t recite the Ten Commandments to save their own life, and the world needs… tenderness? This is so gay, even Ricca will be disgusted.

I have not touched about the Enviro-Pope yet.

It’s difficult to keep up with the madness.



Posted on December 30, 2014, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. It is pure madness. Nothing this creature says has any value except to the rapt adorers of the ascent of man religion. Anyway, he and his fellow players on Team Bergoglio are very likely not in communion with the Church and soon will form there own Whore to whom tree huggers, the effeminate and all haters of Truth will flock. By the way, the German vipers are at it again and very soon hapless concubiners will eat and drink to there own destruction.
    Let not this sin be held against them, O Lord.

  2. I know, dear Mundabor !
    Exactly what this effeminate culture needs–“tenderness !” Yipes.
    I, quite honestly, cannot wait until you do touch on , as you say, the “Enviro-Pope.”
    Some days, thank you so much, reading you is exactly what I need-for even women are not supposed to be effeminate ! Think Stabat Mater.

  3. And yet so many people who claim to adhere to the Faith and the moral law continue to be in a state of diabolical denial – people who were wholly rational and good defenders of the Faith, and right and wrong, before March 2013. Blessed Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle . . .