How Do You Like Lío?

The Extraordinary Synod is rapidly approaching, and there is now no day without an interview of some Bishop or Cardinal, taking the one or the other side.

In the middle of all this turmoil, one thing is clear: whether Francis will dare to break taboos or not, he is causing the breaking of taboos to be discussed; freely, openly, as a matter of course.

Already it is discussed whether the canonical process of annulment should be (official word) “streamlined”. Already, “streamlined” might mean that the bishop, or a structure set up by him, should decide about annulments in a “non-juridical” way. Already, some say that not even this is necessary, but a prayerful “sit in” with the priest should at least achieve what many concubines, in the end, want: village respectability.

The pattern is well-known and has been long experimented: some total revolutionary (Kasper) proposes the totally revolutionary solution of tolerating but not accepting communion for concubines and assorted adulterers, meaning: having the sacrilegious praxis become everyday fare. After this, a “moderate” (Scola) will come out, proposing among other things (Mundabor’s commentary: what a slimy b@st@rd!) a thinkable solution for annulments that is every bit as savagely diabolical, but has the merit of sounding more moderate; because you see, the idea is not to violate the rules; merely to make a mockery of them in the first place.

Suddenly, nothing is sacred anymore. The way how to slaughter a sacrament is a subject of discussion, debate, essays, interviews, books. Suddenly, Truth is perceived as fighting for its existence.

In the meantime, Francis enjoys the lío. Catholic against Catholic, Cardinal against Cardinal. The open confrontation is, certainly, obligatory for the right side; but still, the very fact that such a confrontation exists will confuse countless Catholics, and persuade countless non-Catholics that there is no point in converting. If even Cardinals quarrel with each other about the Truth, what is Truth? And is this most un-Christian of all Pilate-like slogans not, itself, ceaselessly promoted by TMAHICH, with his insisted criticism of “excessive doctrinal security”? Can a slogan ever be more meant to promote lió than this, apart from the “who am I to judge” nuclear device?

Is this enough lío for you?

Are you still trying to read Francis through, of all people, Benedict?

I bet it is enough for TMAHICH. He is, for all the world to see, the Pope who “breaks taboos” and “paves the way for a new era”. Not for him, very probably, to be the one who lets the bombs explode. He will, very probably, be happy with being the one who made the explosions thinkable in the first place, put the bombs in place, and armed them. He does not need to be the one who orders the explosions in order to be loved by countless infidels for the rest of his life. He will be on the safe side avoiding the biggest detonations. Nothing better than reaping the fruits of a revolution without the dangers of real armed combat. The perks, I suppose, of being a shameless and faithless Pope.

Reading Francis through… what?

Believe me, TMAHICH can be best read through Saul Alinsky, or Karl Marx, or Hans Küng, and I doubt he is one bit better than any of them.

He is sowing strife and controversies, breaking taboos, attacking sacraments, insulting the Blessed Virgin, disfiguring Christ, perverting the most basic rules of Christianity, without even the risk of a major revolt.

He will, I think, very publicly stop those who want to detonate the bombs. The excited Pollyannas will hail him as the saviour of Catholicism, whilst the mainstream idiots – bar very few, extreme idiots – will buy the “prudent moderniser Pope” without a second thought.

How do you like lío?

It is there now; dished in front of you every day; pickaxing at Catholicism every day God sends on this earth.

Please, Lord.

Please. Please. Please.

Free us from this scourge.



Posted on September 25, 2014, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. “Suddenly, nothing is sacred anymore. The way how to slaughter a sacrament is a subject of discussion, debate, essays, interviews, books. Suddenly, Truth is perceived as fighting for its existence.”

    BANG. Right on the money as usual, M.

  2. Dear M,
    What does ‘lio’ mean?

    • Is an Argentine expression, meaning, as far as I know, “mess”, “confusion”, “lots of noise”.
      TMAHIC said (in Brazil by World Youth Day, if memory serves), that he wanted the faithful to do it. This expression has since remained linked to his pontificate and its objectives.
      He is, most certainly, leading by example.

  3. When I was a child there were things that were not discussed. Civilised conversation, as practiced by former popes (even the very recent) and most civilised people, used some restraint in spoken or published commentary. Not TMAHICH. By this lack of restraint, the walls have been broken down, and people feel free to say anything and everything, and they do—even HH (or, especially, HH). And when once we can discuss anything openly, it follows that soon we will be able to practice anything openly. The results will be worse than those outspoken characters have imagined, and they will have no one to blame but themselves.

    I would like to thank you after each of your posts and the comments that follow, because I experience a wave of relief that there are like-minded Catholics still in existence. But that would get a bit repetitive! So I thank you for putting into words, so well, in your non-native language, what I so often think in my native language and can sometimes only enunciate after I have read your commentary. It helps me in my work setting or other dealings with non-believers, and I appreciate it.

    I like to think of it as lio, of the (Trad) Catholic variety…