Fourth Child? You Are “About Wrong”, Dear…



“I believe that three children per family, from what the experts say, is the key number for sustaining the population”.

This unbelievably stupid words are quoted as the retarded brainchild of the Bishop of Rome, The Most Astonishing Hypocrite In Church History (TMAHICH),  Pope Francis The Great Clown.

If you do not believe me, click here.

This is a perfect example of the evil arrogance of this man. I doubt I will able to detect all the profiles of “wrongness” of such a phrase in the short time of a blog post.

“What the experts say”. WTF? (What The Francis?). Where have the Bible or Catholic Doctrine ever told that “three is the key number” for anything concerning the population?

“I believe that”. WTF? (see above). Does this man ever think like a Catholic, and accepts that there are greater truths than what he believes? The issues of birth are at the very core of Christian thinking. It’s not like believing that black makes one thin. A Pope should tell us what the Church teaches, he should instil in us love for traditional Catholic thinking! I don’t give a Francis for what he believes, and nor should you.

“Sustaining the population”. WTF? (again!). From Francis’ Bible:

“And you, be ye fruitful, and follow the experts’ advice; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and sustain the population therein”.

Has this man ever had a grain of Christianity in his stupid head, choosing to become a Jesuit merely in order to scrounge a comfortable existence? There’s is nothing Christian in the way this man thinks and speaks. He actually goes out of his way to let you know that he thinks very differently! And he does it all the time!


So, what were you, dear reader?

Were you a fourth child? Your birth was then, according to Francis, “about wrong”.

Were you the fifth child? You were very probably wrong.

Did your mother already had a Cesarean Section? You were so wrong, that your mother “tempted God”!

J.S. Bach’s first wife died by giving birth to her thirteenth child. If you follow Francis, how impious is that? Rabbits, clearly rabbits! They tempted God*! That’s why she died!

On another note, I remember as a child that there were people around called “Quarto” (“Fourth”), “Quinto” (“Fifth”), or the like. The name was there to signal the thankfulness for the grace of abundant offspring. How the times have changed…

Be in good spirit, my dear reader.

If Francis thinks you should really not have been born, according to what the experts say, this is proof it was a great blessing you were.





* Yes. He said that too. That’s the fourth WTF, then…

Posted on January 21, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 18 Comments.

  1. Now, you must understand, see, that “THREE” has Biblical and Catholic Teaching roots: Three members of the Holy Family, Three Wise Men, Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity, Three stages of Christ’s Passion – the Trial, the Scourging and the Crucifixion, etc, etc. If I had ready access to the Douay bible, I no doubt could come upon more “Rules of Three”. So…you see…ahem…the “Three Child Rule” is quite within Catholic thought. So…you see…the Pope is quite within his realm and has a firm foundation because, well…its in the Bible. Simple and quite valid explanation, no?? I mean…it is Biblical, right???

    • Whilst it is clear you are joking, I am sure some people would approve of the reasoning.

      An obviously disturbed man posted a comment two days ago stating that seen the numbers of *angels* at the Consecration, a six million mass is not a problem.

      Some people have given away their brains. Others never had it.


  2. Whew! Looks like I’m safe being número uno. However, my mother had three miscarriages before me so perhaps she was tempting God, no?

  3. THE

    The Bishop of Rome
    He lives not at home
    I’m sorry
    I have to say

    He’s here and he’s there
    He’s up in the air
    Flying this
    And that way

    He gets on the phone
    Waits for dial tone
    To comfort a man
    In his sins

    But mothers of seven
    Who put faith in Heaven
    “Don’t breed like a rabbit”
    He grins

    And how the boys chuckle
    And how the girls laugh
    And gender-benders
    Can trust this man’s staff

    But only the mothers,
    The big family breed,
    Deserve condescension…
    From this Bishop’s clichéd creed.


    – On responsible parenthood

    “I think that three is the number of children per family that the experts say is correct to maintain the population, three per couple. When there are fewer than this, there is the other extreme, which we see in Italy where I have heard – I do not know if it is true – that from 2024 there will not be the money to pay pensioners. The key phrase to answer this question is the one that the Church has always used: responsible parenthood. How does one do this? Through dialogue. Every person, accompanied by their pastor, must find out how to achieve responsible parenthood. … Some believe that – excuse the expression – to be good Catholics we must be like rabbits. No. Responsible parenthood. This is clear, and for this reason in the Church here are matrimonial groups, experts in this. I know of many, many legitimate ways to achieve this. … On the other hand, for the poorest people, a child is a treasure. It is true, we must also be careful here. But for them, a child is a treasure. God knows how to help them. Perhaps some are not careful in this respect, it is true. Parenthood must be responsible. But look also at the generosity of those fathers and mothers who see every child as a treasure”.

    • Can’t see what the argument is here you are trying to make.

      Pope spits a huge offense that goes around the world. Then he also says something that, if you stretch it, might start making some sense.

      He does it again and again.

      There’s always some Catholic idiot who refuses to see what he is really saying.

      The rest of the planet has no problem whatever.


  5. From what I have read, the term “responsible parenthood” only originated in the 1960’s in Humanae Vitae…sounds an awful lot like “planned parenthood”…reeking of Modernist vaguery that enables NFP. We are to see all children as gifts and give God the control, not us. And if grave reasons point to not having children, then abstinence is called for i.e. chastity. Many saints had chaste marriages…and they thrived in holiness. Only a culture saturated in lust and hedonism would cringe at the idea of not having sex. At least all of the errors spewing forth from this Pope are forcing us to learn the Traditional truths of the faith. Silver lining in the poo piling up. God bless you Mundy:+)

    • It’s fine to be “responsible”. This means, however, accepting as God’s gift every child that God sends. I can’t imagine John XXIII would see it in any other way.
      I am no expert in NFP. I would follow, in this as in everything else, Pope Pius XII.

  6. I am not making an argument.I am just posting from another source.Why are you so insulting?

    • Why are you so offended and, in fact, insulting yourself?

      I have not insulted you. I have merely pointed out that what you post is simply no argument.

      It is a fact (but I have not said that it concerns you) that there’s plenty of retarded people out there ready and willing to look for three orthodox words, and then forget all the rest of what Francis says.

      If you can’t stand the heat, I suggest you stay out of the kitchen. This is no place for sensitive plants.



  7. My problem is that the Pope actually said he chastised a woman for having an eighth child after seven caesarians. This is equivalent to a pope chastising St. Francis of Assisi for having such a radical approach to poverty. The Church as always encouraged these heroic acts of people even though they were not the norm; now not so, now they get chastised.

    • I take his words of today as his apology to the woman. Though I notice that it never occurred to him that he might be spitting secular thinking out of his own secular mouth before his words caused such an uproar.


  8. Ehhh, la grappa era buona, molto buona! Hip!


  9. My mother said God and his grace gave her her 7th pregnancy, it was a Csection and that was me. My mother and father between them loved kids, and life.

  10. I’m afraid that WTF will become an all-too-common response to the interviews of the B of R. At least that’s what goes through my head, with every utterance of his that I read. What the Francis, I mean….I don’t think we can say you’ve coined a new term, but certainly a new and appropriate meaning. 😉

  11. Long-Skirts was only practicing. Check out this one just posted at Harvesting’s Tradwriter: