“I Will Resist!”

Cardinal Burke’s new interview (this time to a French television channel) is the most explicit warning yet coming from a Cardinal of what will happen if Francis decides to “go nuclear” in October: Burke – and many, many others – will refuse obedience, call on the heresy, and denounce the “Neo-Pagan ideology” (not my words, Bishop Schneider’s) of Pope Francis.

This is another very convincing sign that if Francis thinks he can walk over Truth unpunished he has, as they say, another think coming.

Francis may, of course, choose heresy in a rush of popularity-seeking, grappa-fuelled stupidity; but even he must have understood by now that a nuclear conflict is what he is going to get. I have expressed many time, and repeat today, my fundamental estimation of this man in matter of conflict: in my opinion, Francis simply no tene cojones.

It is, therefore, very good that such warning salvos are fired in the direction of the Casa Sanctae Marthae. They will give Francis something to think about between a grappa and a trannie.

I think he will choose, as always, the comfortable way.


Posted on February 9, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Why Nu-Church Neo Catholics don’t get the connection with what is happening now with Cardinal Burke and what happened with Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX is beyond me. Will they call Burke a schismatic since he doesn’t go along with the current Pope’s modernism? Agree that PF doesn’t have much spine but he’s gotten this far and the sodomite backers might push him into the nuke war all the same. God bless you Mundy:+)