“Green” Is The New Christian

TMAHICH (The Most Astonishing Hypocrite In Church History, for those new to this blog) has given another example of radical Neo-Paganism.

Let us leave aside that according to Francis God is “one person”, but then he proceeds to list all three. (One God, Three Persons, I thought. But who knows, perhaps I was wrong?). I sense blasphemy here, perhaps another stupid attempt to please the Muslims. But as what he says just does not make sense, it’s a bit like wondering if a madman has violated the Second Commandment…

What is seriously Neo-Pagan is the idea that by “preserving Creation”, one automatically becomes a Christian. Francis says verbatim:

When we hear that people have meetings about how to preserve creation, we can say: ‘No, they are the greens!’ No, they are not the greens! This is the Christian! This is ‘our response to the’ first creation ‘of God. And’ our responsibility. A Christian who does not protect Creation, who does not let it grow, is a Christian who does not care about the work of God, that work that was born from the love of God for us. And this is the first response to the first creation: protect creation, make it grow. “

No, they aren’t Christians. They are, most likely, environmental nuts. Being “green” does not make of them Christians.

Christian is one who follows the religion of Christ. It isn’t difficult, really. Even an Argentinian Jesuit should know these things. Not Francis, apparently.

The usual drunken nonsense is also present: suddenly unless you are “green” you don’t care for Creation, following the Nazi enviro-extremism so dear to the nutcases. Suddenly, a Christian should feel the need to “protect” Creation, and this from the same man who has just finished telling us that God Himself sustains it. Suddenly, there is strange talk of “first response”, a concept frankly new to me, grown with obsolete ideas about sin, redemption, salvation, and the like.

This man could seriously be all three: evil, stupid, and drunk.

But honestly, I think not even the drunkards ramble in such a way.


Posted on February 11, 2015, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Correct me if I’m wrong, sir, but it seems the Pope is obviously so confusing and confused because his theology appears informed by watching too many Monty Python movies and his historical context is garnered from Mel Brooks song and dance satirical routines.

  2. His rhetorical style is so tiresome, very reminiscent of empty suit Obama himself.

    First, you lay out the straw man, e.g., “we hear of these people meeting on the environment and we say “they are the greens!” (false premise, we don’t say that, normal people of faith pay little to no attention to these various meetings);

    Second, you destroy the straw man it with liberal use of the exclamation “No!,” as in “No!, no!”;

    Third, you (Francis) throw your support behind some radical ideology with not established basis in fact by equating them with followers of Christ: “No, these are the Christians!”

    I’d have more sympathy for his limited communication skills if he would only use them in furtherance of Catholicism. As it is, he uses them typically to undermine it.

  3. Several years ago, my father became medically incapacitated. I tried to help him preserve our 80 acre farm on the Pacific US coast. I failed tremendously. Our dear friend ‘Mother Nature’ won that war. I wish all of the ‘green freaks’ who worry about us destroying nature would have spent just a few months with me of our last few years there, battling nature: fires, snow, windstorms, rainstorms, etc. Nature must be dominated or it will dominate in its own way. ‘Nature’ is not a gentle mother. It is a force to be reckoned with.

    • Sorry to hear that, Mary.

      What grates me most is this idea that being “concerned” now would make one a Christian. It is paganism all right.

      But one also smiles at thinking of all those liberals in Connecticut and Massachusetts now having their champagne glass frozen solid, and too much snow to drive to the next global warm conference…

    • I learned some valuable lessons. One of them was that ‘nature’ must be subdued and controlled by man. Christians are more likely to understand this.

      I, too, get a good chuckle from that same scenario you mentioned. It is not often in life that we get to witness foolish people coming face to face with their erroneous beliefs!