Boycott The Kirchesteuer!

I have written about this already, but as the Kirchensteuer is now in the headlines it is fitting to say a couple of words more. 

Do not pay the Kirchensteuer! The Kirchensteuer is not used to make your Country more Catholic, but less. It is not used so that courageous priests may have ways to go on with their work, but so that too well-fed priest may continue to side with the world. It is used, as we see very often in interviews of Bishops and Cardinals, to undermine Catholicism. If you still do not see that it is the Kirchensteuer that made of Germany the enemy number one of Catholicism in the last fifty years, I question your intelligence.  

But most of all, the Kirchesteuer is simoniacal. It is simply unthinkable for every Catholic who isn’t a German that a priest might, under any circumstance whatsoever, refuse confession, or a Christian burial, or anything else, to a Catholic because he has not paid to him and his exactly so and so much. 

The Church has always lived because the charity of the Christians allowed her to be sustained, or because the Government has felt the need – as every Government must – to help her in her work. The idea of exacting such and such payment as a tribute due in order to remain part of the organisation is disgustingly Protestant, but at least the Protestants cannot even pretend to be the Church of Christ. 

What goes on in Germany is the utter absurdity of a Church in search of paying clients for her services, and demanding an exact price – rather than what the good heart of the faithful is ready to give – for the provision of them. This is utterly insane, and it is an indictment to the entire German people that they still do not get the situation in which they have put themselves in. 

The Kirchesteuer was originally born as a Protestant mechanism, born in order to organise tithing in the usually efficient German way. There was also a matter of expropriations, but such happened everywhere, and never were they used to justify simony.  Germans warmed to it, because it is very German to think “I do not mind paying, if I know my neighbour isn’t allowed to cheat on his payment”. What this does is to destroy the very concept of charity. Furthermore, it creates a church too fat to be brave, and too afraid to lose her paying clients. 

I have had Germans making an incredible face at being told that outside of the German space the Kirchesteuer could never exist. Sheesh. They thought you pay for your Sacrament like you pay for the cinema, or to the taxman. 

Sheer unbelievable. No concept of Sacrament. No idea of charity. Pure simony, and smart aleck reasoning.

It worked well when the income tax was low, and the Kirchensteuer was little more than a pittance. The poor paid very little and were mainly concerned that their neighbour miner or shipyard worker also paid, and the rich had thousand legal ways to reduce their tax burden and with it the Kirchensteuer. 

But what happened next, is that the German state expanded its activity like a cancer, multiplying the real tax burden of the poor, let alone the average citizen., as the real “poor” disappeared.  The income of the churches grew in the same  disproportionate measure (because a percentage of the total tax revenues), creating the situation we have today. What was born from a Protestant and German mentality to have a rather poor Church (including the Prods, who are largely Lutherans) has now become a monster sucking enormous resources against the simoniacal blackmail of “no sacraments” (some of them, at least). 

It is beyond me how a decent Catholic could ever accept such a situation. It is not that without paying the Kirchensteuer he is  forbidden to giving money to whatever organisation he wants! butit will not be to Cardinal Marx! It will not be to Cardinal Kasper! It will not be to Cardinal Woelki! Give your money for Christ’s work instead! SSPX! Kirche in Not! FSSP! The soup kitchen of your own parish, if it’s a good parish! But for Heaven’s sake, not to the Ministry of Sabotage! 

Some people might then say – but truly: only in Germany – that you shouldn’t de-register, because this equates to apostasy. How bloody freaking German! If Athanasius had been told “by appointing bishops you are putting yourself formally and officially in schism”, do you think he would have been impressed? Who is, outside of Germany, so stupid that he makes his Catholicism depend not on his baptism and communion with the Church, but with the payment of a tribute? How can a good Catholic ever be less Catholic because he wants to be Catholic exactly as the other Catholics all over the planet? Padre Pio never paid the Kirchensteuer!

Mind: a Catholic knows that it is his duty to sustain the effort of the Church. But this is a matter of charity, not taxes! The very idea that the sacramental life be in sony way, shape or form linked to the simoniacal concept of “payment for service” is so blatantly un-Christian that can only work about those worshippers of Authority known as the Germans. 

And if one were the type who doesn’t care, it would still be half understandable: “I don’t pay much, I don’t have discussions with my parents, and I look good in the village”. But if you care, how can you sleep at night knowing that your money finances prostituted priests and their pimps, the bishops and Cardinals? 

“But Mundabor! The Church finances and runs many other institutions: hospitals, hospices, structures of all kind!” 

Wonderful! Find the good ones, and donate your money directly to them, to be spent for their own purposes! Very probably, all tax deductible, it only needs for the institution to be registered as a recognised charity! You don’t have any limits! Donate all your income if you want to! But don’t give your money to that bunch of prostitutes, running a pro-homo brothel because you’re afraid to sign a paper! 

Boy, at times I think that if the Germans were told “from now on, by law, you can only criticise the government if you sign a paper stating that you are dumb” there would be millions of them taking the declaration seriously, and not criticising the Government! “Hey, it’s the law! I would have to say that I am dumb! Can’t do that, you know; I am not dumb, you see!” 

Time to wake up, folks.Aufwachen! 

Choose fidelity to Catholicism, not Cardinal Marx. 



Posted on February 12, 2015, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. Mundabor,
    not paying the Kirchensteuer is the only way to get called an apostate by the bureaucrats currently desecrating the German Church. As long as you just stick to denying every single article of the Faith and violating every part of the moral law as thoroughly as you can, you remain an important part of the community of believers; but if you do not pay your thirty silvers, you are an abomination….

    I agree with every word you have written. As a patriotic German, I have the urge to say something good about the German Church. I can’t because it is all true… When the authorities were still basically good Christians, following them did not do much harm. But now, having to choose between basic Christianity and the current authorities in both Church and State, very few Germans actually choose Christianity.

  2. Please could you explain why the Germans worship Authority as they do? I think it’s a question that has crossed the minds of many people at some point. Germans are intelligent, well-educated, hard working people with a culture that has produced – separate from the disaster that was Nazism – so much brilliance in music and literature (as well as wonderful cars!) that their ‘worship of Authority’ – as you put it – truly is hard for outsiders to understand.

    • Lack of autonomy. Desire to merge with others, to be one with them. Groupthink. At the root, I think insecurity plays a role.

      I have lived in Germany. I assure you compared to them we are a bunch of anarchists. Italians want to rule, Germans want to be ruled.

      The German finds security in the group, the Italian wonders what he can get from it. The German wants to lose himself in something bigger than himself. His worship for authority is the direct result of his terror for autonomous thinking.

      German firms have difficulties in hiring “deciders”. Many take them from abroad. Even the schools and the Universities now encourage group work, and group thinking. Seen from the perspective of an Italian, it’s outright creepy.


  3. We here in Canada have the same situation, however it’s accomplished in a different way. Every few years our bishops put out a call for a money-raising ‘campaign’ of one sort or another. This campaign has different ends depending on the perceived need in each diocese. In the last one here in in our diocese we were actually called by a friendly member of the team telling us we had been assigned an amount we were to give! Needless to say this raised many a hackle. We gave nothing. If I remember correctly this money was for ‘programs’ for Catholics, and ‘programs’ to bring apostates back, and for ‘retired clergy.’ Imagine clergy 1000 years ago retiring!!!! They died with their boots on!
    This reminded us of a cruise we took years ago. After our bill was shoved under the door of our cabin – so as not to upset us by just asking for their proper payment – at the last dinner we were told what percentage we were to tip the staff. Here we go again! In our case we gave the exact percentage to the penny, when we might have given even more had it been left to our decision. Time to resist at the Faith level, but time to resist at the ‘mammon’ level too.
    It’s a sunny day so I’ll risk a ‘downer’ statement: things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. Our Lady is not a liar, and she does not speak in riddles. The collapse of Holy Mother Church will not be complete, of course, but it will be nearly so.

    • Welcome, and I agree with everything you wrote.
      Very cool not to give the money at all, albeit the “suggestion” (shameless that it is) is still a planet away from the German system.

  4. I also hail from Germany and am very upset about the simony and the misuse of funds. I go to a church nearby staffed by indian priests that have set up a “mission church” out here in the German jungle. They have to pay their own rent for the church building that the diocese of Berlin sold to a Muslim Investor. It’s quite crazy, because this same church was donated to the diocese of Berlin by the Blessed Cardinal Clemens August Graf von Galen from his private funds when he was a young chaplain in Berlin in the years before WWI. Now the diocese has sold it and the poor Indians have to rent it back with their own money – they don’t get it from the diocese. I have considered your strategy and paying my Kirchensteuer to them directly, but I believe I would be putting them in a very awkward situation and they might even be sanctioned by the bishop if they continued to give the sacraments to me. I have mulled over this and I believe that we do owe obedience to the church – even a corrupt church – as long as their demands do not force me to do evil. The evil – or at least abuse – they do with my money is on them.

    • The evil is on you. You are not under religious obedience to pay any Kirchensteuer, only to contribute to the maintenance of the Church.

      When I go to Mass in Germany I am never asked on entrance if I pay the Kirchesteuer. You may have to change parish, but that’s all.

      I also wonder which German priest would ever say to me “have you paid the Kirchensteuer, soehnlein?” But for that I’d probably go to the SSPX, who are well spread in Germany.

      You can’t just say “it’s on them”. It is, actually, on you.


    • I did not want to write this. But in conscience, I must.

      You see the evil in full.

      Still, you say it’s not your fault, you are obeying orders.

      This is exactly the problem with you Germans, and what ends up causing immense tragedies.


  5. Irenaeus of New York

    “Damned money! Alas! How many religious did it blind! How many cloistered religious did it deceive! Money is the ‘droppings of birds’ that blinded the eyes of Tobit.”
    – St. Anthony of Padua, Hammer of the Heretics (A.D. 1195-1231)