Rosicagate: The Wave Is Now A Tsunami!

Vox Cantoris has the list of bloggers who have spoken in his defence and against the arrogance of Father Rosica.

The American Catholic has another version of the list; all links working!

Interestingly, one of the articles comes from a Canadian blog, The Heresy Hunter. This blog lists all their articles in which Father Rosica has been mentioned, or which have been written about him directly.

What emerges is not only a dyed-in-the-wool Modernist consorting with excommunicated ex-priests and very appreciative of  America Magazine, but a person a Canadian blog calls names like “useful idiot”, “Fr Lombardi’s pool boy”, “power-hungry Modernist”, and many others.

So what is what? How many Canadian blogs are less than appreciative of this man? How dangerous is it, in Canada, to call a Modernist a Modernist?

We will soon find out.

I do not think Father Rosica is, in retrospect, very proud of the mess he has put himself in.

Please follow the link provided, and click away at your heart’s content.






Posted on February 22, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Chi non risica, non rosica. Ma Rosica è proprio un rosicone