Political Correctness Ready To Go All The Way






You cannot make this stuff up. 

German “welcome” organisation for illegal, largely Muslim illegals trying to scrounge an existence at the expense of the stupid Westerners discover their women are getting molested. What do they do?

They apologise.

We must improve integration, you see. They are good people. You must just tell them women aren’t cattle, as they always believed. 

Go on, dumme Kuh*. 

Go all the way. 

Get raped. 

Then apologise. 

Obviously, there is still some integration work to do. 


*stupid cow


Posted on November 14, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Hmmm…

    Mundy, I do declare that the “cow” in the picture is quite a good looker when compared with most of the lady Muzzies I’ve seen grazing about.

    You have good taste in cows.

  2. It’s my understanding that Orthodox Jews consider goyim to be cattle. Well, I think they would be right about these morons!