How To Make A Career in The Vatican

Father Lombardi is going to retire (no link, because it is an evil site).

The candidates to the job appear to be: 

  1. Father Antonio Spadaro, directly or indirectly involved in many of the Pope’s heresies. Editor of Civilta’ Cattolica, a clear hotbed of heresy. One of the devil throughout. 
  2. Father Thomas Rosica, a well-known promoter of sexual perversion, and very possibly a pervert himself. One of the main actors in the shameless manipulation of both the 2014 and the 2015 Synod. A bully (see Vox Cantoris-gate) and outright faccia di tolla. Clearly, another one of Lucifer’s team. 

In the Year of the Lord 2015, this is the way to make a career in the Vatican: heresy and confusion throughout, and it probably helps a lot to be a sodomite. 

Pray for this Pontificate to end soon. 




Posted on November 26, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Prayer:
    “Jesus, deliver us from the power of perversion, virulent in Church and State.”

    “Do not pray this little prayer, no matter how softly, on a Catholic college campus, because it is “too political”.

  2. Obviously, you don’t believe that the Holy Spirit has anything to do with a conclave’s choice of a Pope.

  3. Eirene Angi Bennett

    I have been praying for the end of this pontificate for a long time now. May Almighty God’s Will be done. “Make haste O God to deliver us . . .” – Ps. 70

  4. Dear St Joseph, pray oh faithful protector of the Church that the eyes of this heretic pope be opened quickly, or closed permanently!

    May God have mercy on us all…

    “He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are an obstacle to me. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” ~ Matthew 16:23