2015: A Call To Action

If 2014 was, in Church matters, rather akin to 1914, 2015 might well end up resembling 1915 if Francis decides to go for the all-out confrontation in matters of, ahem, pastoral sacrilege. An hypothesis, this, which I consider not very probable, but certainly possible.

There isn’t much we humble pewsitters can do individually to counter this. Collectively, though, we are the ones who will shape the image, and therefore to a good extent the effectiveness, of this diabolical papacy.

You would not be led in moral matters by a child, or by a lunatic, or even by an old crank. Nor would anyone you know. Therefore, the best way to counter Pope Francis’ disgraceful papacy is to expose him for the man he is: an old, lewd man completely deprived not only of Catholicism, but of decency.

When Francis is widely perceived in this way we will have gone a long way in at least limiting the damage, as more and more people discount whatever bollocks he says and more or less silently wait for him to remove himself, or be removed from Above, from the office.

Therefore, I cannot strongly enough encourage every of my readers in taking part of this meritorious work of daily demolition of this disgrace, and of the mentality he represents. Your daily work in the family, with friends, in the office does give a contribution, does change the perception. The concerns of a serious and respected Catholic – as I am sure most of my readers are – are certainly noticed by those – Catholic or not, and Christian or not – in his sphere of influence. If this serious Catholic utters a devastating condemnation of the man, you can be sure this will leave a permanent mark on those same people’s perception of Francis, because the criticism will most clearly echo the strangeness of the message they get from the Vatican. Your average Joe Proddie (or Joe Heathen, or Joe Atheist) will be wondering already when he hears Francis’ novel message; but he will have no doubts anymore when those in the know confirm their impression.

We can, all of us, influence dozens of people. Not make of them Catholics or fervent Traditionalists, of course; but certainly be of great importance in shaping the perception of Francis in their mind; so that when they hear about the next heap of rubbish Francis has generated they will rapidly discount it, knowing that Francis is ridiculed by his very own.

I have said it often, and I repeat it now: if you love and respect the Papacy and the Church, you must perforce loathe and despise this disgraceful tool of Lucifer. Conversely, by destroying the credibility of this old, lewd, megalomaniac Castroite you do the Church and the Papacy a service. You can’t be on both sides more than you could be a Reaganite Bolshevik. You are either with Francis, or with Christ.

Do not delude yourself into thinking that you can sit on the fence. You can’t be “with Francis against the persecution of the FFI”, because Francis is the persecutor of the FFI! Be, rather, against Francis every time he does or say something stupid (which is: every day), and against Francis’ mentality and outlook even when he shuts up (which is: very rarely).

This Papacy must be demolished. A huge Catholic hammer must descend on its genitals at great speed, and leave dust behind. As the Catholic criticism mounts, non-Catholics will run to the protection of the Pope from the attacks of… sound Catholics, and more people will open their eyes.

We can all do our part. We can, again, contribute in the shaping of the perception, which in turn will heavily influence the effectiveness of Francis’ work. You can’t be considered a nincompoop and a great leader at the same time. Not even if you are Pope.

This Pope must be reduced to an embarrassment even the Press wishes it would end soon; a pathetic clown inviting bystanders to a circus show in which only some freaks have any interest; a walking cautionary tale about the dangers of looking for popularity at the cost of truth.

For 2015, get into the fray, and join the growing number of those who have understood what kind of man Francis is, and say it out loud.

Say it out loud. It’s either Francis’ ideology, or Catholicism.




Posted on January 1, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 18 Comments.

  1. When I explicitly state the obvious to people – that Pope Francis is continually opposing the Deposit of Faith and the Natural Moral Law (which is evil and endangering many souls) I am accused of lying, of expressing some kind of subjective dislike of his “style”, or some such nonsense, and furthermore, told I am sinning (!) Since when did speaking the truth become a sin, opposing objective falsehoods and evil become a sign of disobedience and revolution?? Round about March 2013 – when the Emperor donned his “New Clothes” in public. The powerful in the Church are enemies of God, and of the truth, and just as in the corrupted civil world, the truth speaker will not be tolerated, but rather must be relentlessly persecuted, silenced, destroyed. Satan is running things in most parts of the Church. Blessed Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle . . .

    • Keep stating the obvious, Lynda…
      most people need a while before the scale fall from their eyes. But there will always be those tho slowly start to think…
      Interviews like Messori’s are useful for this, that they confirm to the faithful that the criticism of Francis is now mainstream.

    • Yes. Mundabor has given a tactic that all laity need to use: the Liberal poison is lethal, and it has destroyed mainline Protestant Churches.

      Believers in those churches have fled. To the Romans, the orthodox and the reformed: to a place where the Bible is read and not subverted. The big division now is not Papist against Prod, but faithful against apostate, and it cuts across the divisions of the Reformation.

    • Well yes and no.
      I get the point that it is important that all true Christians fight the good fight. But Truth remains Truth, and heresy remains heresy.
      I do not say this in a spirit of polemic. I am compelled to defend the Truth.
      In time, not few of those reading your blog will find themselves yearning for true, eternal, unassailable Truth. And they will discover it is – Francis or no Francis – in the place they had least suspected.

    • I expect nothing less than that: I would argue the issues over a beer or coffee. But to do that on your blog is to troll.

      Which is not human, let alone wise.

    • Ha!
      I’d love the arguing over a beer, too.
      You would lose 😉

  2. St. Benedict's Thistle

    Reporting for duty.

    Just had a conversation about Francis with a future convert. He took it well. It was exactly as you wrote, “It is either Francis’ ideology, or Catholicism.” While I am not adequate to the job, I believe God will grace us with the right words to speak truth.

    Thank you, Mundabor, for saying what must be said.

    • Thanks for the kind words, and very happy to hear that. This particular convert appears sincere. In fact, Catholicism properly learned is so clear-cut that no one can delve into it and keep swallowing Francis’ stale beer.

  3. Happy Christmas-time and best wishes for the New Year, Mundabor!

  4. {Note to Mundy: I have quoted you today. I look back with nostalgia to the days when you could have a good discussion about the older issues such as transubstantiation or the theology of soterology. When JRRT (Catholic) and CSL (Anglican) could do this over a beer or ten.

    But that is not the issue of this day. We need to reduce the clowns who think wearing the costumes of authority (The feminist bishopresses LOVE their new costumes, and I have seen them try to introduce them in Presbyterian Kirks. Calvin and Knox are rotating so fast in their graves that they have been connected to a generator and the National Grid) need to understand that they are seen as clowns.

    And the faithful need to remain faithful. But the liberals are destroying faith everywhere. Prayers for you and this blog: keep it up.}

  5. First, A Happy & Holy Christmas & New Year to all. (We are still in Christmas – if only just)

    As to the HF, ISTM that the problem is not Jorge Bergoglio, but John XXIII’s “opening to the world”. The problem is an attitude, not a person. The attitude being a mixture of worldliness, frivolity, rationalism, and (what is called) liberalism – though if the essence of liberalism is the desire to do one’s own unhindered imperial Will, regardless of God or man, ISTM that “licentialism” might be a better name. (“Licentiousness”, like “libertinism”, refers to something else, while liberality is a virtue, & liberty is in itself not evil at all.)

    The attitude, whatever its parts, and whatever we call it, is not peculiar to the Pope – it is particularly dangerous in him in particular, because he in particular is Pope. It’s more noticeable in him than in us, because his position is more exalted & more exposed. I don’t agree with the position in the article – one of the attractions of Catholicism is that it does not give one an easy way out, and that sort of behaviour is an easy way out. If Christ can love us, despite our countless iniquities, that means (AFAICS) that we have to do likewise to others – including Popes.

    • Greetings to you, too.

      Your perspective is wrong, and therefore it leads to the wrong conclusions.

      To say that Bergoglio is not the problem, John XXIII is, is akin to saying that Hitler is not the problem, von Papen (or Hindenburg) is. Yes, the wrong mentality has been around for some time, but we can’t just cancel the differences between a naive Pope like John XXIII and an utter subversive like this tool here.

      The attitude of the present Pope is also not more dangerous because he is Pope; the V II attitude was common to all V II Popes, and none ever led things to this poit.

      The appear to “liking” is also misleading, and a tad effeminate. You are not under any obligation to like everyone. The enemies of Christ must be disliked. We have to wish them salvation, of course, but we do not smile to their iniquities.

      Pray for the salvation of the clown, by all means. Show your concern for his eternal welfare by caring for his soul. But never confuse this with an emotional “I like everyone” fluffy feeling. Heresy and confusion must elicit righteous anger, not liking.


  6. Thank you for the encouraging admonition. God bless.

  7. I was listening to a short video recently with Charles A. Coulombe and wrote this quote down that he said: “Bad popes also play their part, because they force their subjects to be heroes. We have to hold to the Faith because it’s true.”

    From time to time, we battle weary Catholics need to hear things like this, and read what you’ve written here, Mundabor. I can’t express enough how helpful it is to be encouraged to keep our strength up (and you amazingly provide new angles all the time to see things through!), especially when there seems to be no end in sight to this madness.

    So, thank you again, and 3 Áve Marias said for you!

  8. I loved your response to the wish to have an argument over a pint or two: ‘You would lose.’ Hilarious. I, and probably many of your readers, would love to sit there with a pint and listen in… 😉

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