Achtung! Excrementation Incoming!

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True Catholics’ reaction to the new Excrementation were not entirely positive…

The Evil Clown has just dumped on all of us another of his Encyclical Turds. From the title alone (“Fratelli Tutti”, an emphatic rendition of “all brothers”) it is clear that this will be another globalist bloviation like those Francis has vomited on us for now seven and a half years.

I have some bad news for Francis on this. He may think, in his arrogance, that releasing an encyclical letter weeks before the US election will influence the way American Catholics vote. Someone should tell him that he has made himself utterly irrelevant, and a lot of Catholics react to the news of this clown releasing another Excrementation in the same way as they react to Grandpa Jon ranting about the end of the cassette player and the advent of that new evil instrument, the CD.

However, Francis’ problem are worse than this. As I write this, the entire planet pays attention to one thing and one thing only: Donald Trump’s health. The guy manages to steal the show (not only Francis’ show, but Sleepy Joe’s show, too) by just being ill. In the next days, his condition will be monitored closely and will be the talk of the planet. Then we will have the last phase of the election (another planetary event), and the hearings for Amy Coney Barrett, infinitely more interesting to every sensible Catholic than the childish rants of this old, atheist, globalist, socialist (or worse) and utterly Catholicism-free nincompoop.

I am planning, as I have done in the past, a substantial boycott of the “work”, as I am not the guy who has to clean Francis’ backside every time he poops globalism. I might write the one or other short takedown; but really, this man is best dealt with by ignoring him, and waiting that he dies or resigns (alas, this is another leftist full of himself and persuaded that the planet has absolute need of him, like RBG; therefore, he will have to assume room temperature in order for us and all the Church to get rid of him).

Still, a suggestion to my readers. If anybody mentions to you the new encyclical (unlikely, but you never know), profit from the occasion and shoot on Francis (metaphorically, of course) with the AR-15. Be strong. Be harsh. Be shocking.

Nothing opens the eyes of a milquetoast, distracted Christian like someone they know to be a devout Catholic stating in unforgettable terms what he thinks of this man.

Posted on October 4, 2020, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. I stifle my comments at times when I am talking to someone elderly. That’s arguable, I know. I just hate to upset anyone older, at this point, this darn world is so demanding, so distressing, it feels unkind to rob a Catholic senior of some little measure of peace. But for others I have little problem letting them know my feelings about him and asking theirs.
    He is irrelevant to us as you said. He does not upset us anymore, the only way we found to handle it all. In fact, frankly we feel fairly outside the entire church. We love Christ and Catholicism, but Catholicism in the mainstream left us behind as it trotted off to fables and Communism. For Francis to say blatantly that free market capitalism must go, the system that given Americans the highest standard of living, means he is ready to go for broke in this election year and openly state his Communist preferences. He prefers a system where the government controls of the means of production and distribution. He can keep that in Italy or any other place they want it, Americans don’t want it. The man is a destroyer, and I have been calling him that since his first year in the papacy. He can stick his encyclical.

    • I prefer to think that I am inside the Church, in the company of sixty generations before me, and the many milquetoast small C catholics out there are the ones surviving, in some way, at the fringes.

  2. Dennis Ferrara

    The “assume room temperature” made me burst out laughing. Needless to add, I am one with you in utter contempt for this man.

    How long, O Lord, will you continue to punish your Church? When will she hear the ‘Comfort ye” of her recall from this new Babylonian, Captivity?

  3. Ah, I stand corrected. On second thought, I think of myself as inside the church with them on the outside. Why should I go! They are the heretics, not me. I just have nothing to do with them. I’ll always be Catholic, whether or not anyone else will know it, maybe not, but God will know it.

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