Big Tech Is The Biggest Issue

What has been happening in the last 48 hours is something I have not experienced, even in Italy, where journalism is largely corrupt. Actually, never have I, in Italy, experienced anything even close to what I see happening now in the United States.

The censorship of certain news in one’s own publication is bad enough. If, say, the Washington Post or the New York Times refuse to publish the news about a laptop with pics of Hunter Biden with a crack pipe in his mouth, or emails to Chinese financiers in which he claims to have influence (which is true, by the way), with “Pop”, or the absolutely devastating text message in which he claims “Pop” (this is the current Democrat candidate to the Presidency) makes Hunter give to him 50% of the money, this is bad enough.

However, it gets much, much worse – and it represent a different, completely new level of censorship and evil – when a platform prevents information from being exchanged.

To make a comparison with past times, it is as if the US Postal service and one or two other companies had had the monopoly of the distribution of newspapers in decades past, and had refused to deliver the newspapers they don’t like.

The issue is so huge, it is extremely worrying that only now the US Senates has started to show (some) teeth. I have also looked around cursorily, and it seems to me that the election interference legislation in the US is woefully inadequate and does not deal with the distribution or control of the distribution of information before election day, with merely some rules concerning, say, regulation of donations.

Free access to information is vital to a Democracy both before and after an election.

You would think even a moderate Democrat understands this, and understands the poison he is introducing in his own Country if he contribute to a Democrat presidency and House majority that will make this problem far more difficult to get rid of.

Will they? In big numbers, I doubt. However, from the #walkaway videos I have seen it appears that censorship is one of the things that worries them most (the other is, alas, people being rude to them; but these are recovering liberals, so we must give them some time…).

Let us pray hard in these last week that God’s will be done, and that this will includes a glorious Trump victory.

Posted on October 17, 2020, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. It looks bad, and we have many gaslighted Democrat voters, but Trump cookies are outselling Biden cooking at a bakery in PA famous for predicting the election results, by three to one. Trump is getting parades, spontaneous parades in his honor, in Latino communities, and blacks are catching on at increasing rates. Trump easily gets thousands to show up, Joe gets few. At least Deep State is revealed openly, we can take our tin foil hats off now. No hats needed. Twitter and Facebook have made hats a thing of the past. The conspiracy is real. They censored truth and facts for their candidate. They assaulted one at a town hall, and coddled and lobbed softballs at the other.
    It’s out in the open now.

  2. Mercedes Pernice

    Mundabor, rather than the FBI question Hunter and Joe Biden over possible criminal conduct arising out of the emails, there is an article in the Gateway Pundit stating, “The FBI is investigating the damning Hunter Biden emails — not for the myriad of crimes they expose but to see if they are a ‘Russian disinformation operation’.”

    Consider for a moment the decibel level of Satan’s belly laugh over this headline.

  3. Roberto Hope Sánchez Mejorada

    The media and platform owners that suppress these news are evidently not American. Their allegiance is to a nation that never blends with the people of the country where they live and that often actually plots against the country where they live in pursuit of their own particular interests as a nation, and it seems that they cannot do otherwise no matter where they settle.