Camp Victims

I was recently reminded of an episode in which a Catholic apologetic, who had not yet outed himself as a former homosexual, had described homosexuals as “victim souls”.

The guy was speaking at the time, IIRC, as an officially straight man. Still, one could immediately see that the concept of “victim soul” was quite off. Perverts are, quite obviously, victims only of themselves.

Reflect on this: not even the poor peasant, born in some remore corner of the Andes, can call himself a victim, then God puts everybody exactly in the place where he needs to be. The more wrong, and actually absurd, it appears to depict a homosexual as a victim, as if the Lord had decreed that he was to be afflicted, without fault of his own, with such horrible tendencies.

Well: no, no, and no.

God does not “do” perversion. God is, whilst Omnipotent, i.n.c.a.p.a.b.l.e. of evil. God could never command that one be a pervert. The pervert perverts himself all of his own. God merely allows him to pervert himself.

There are no “victims” of their own doing. The woman who is raped is a victim of her offender, but never of God. Nobody can do something to himself – say: gradually allow Satan to make of himself a pervert – and claim he is a victim.

I have just written that every recovering homosexual is “damaged goods”, and his ego will tend to be in the way of his Catholicism even if he is sincerely reformed. This “victim” stuff is another example.

Beware of prophets with a disgusting past, a pencil, and a toupet.

There is too much damaged ego there.

Posted on December 9, 2021, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. There were always some question marks in my brain when I watched him, particularly one of the last episodes I watched, where he ‘confessed’ going to confession because he had questioned Pope Francis. Apparently he was showing us how to be good Catholics, but I am certain he failed. There has always been something unbelievable about him. The “Retreat in the Desert”, during Holy Week this past year (Dallas), was too much. He was the main speaker on most of the Holy Triduum.The topics were mainly regarding how to buy property at the site (Winona, the planned Texas Catholic community), how to invest in other ways, how to invest your retirement, etc. Not your usual Holy Week topics. As it was Holy Week, he did not have to provide big meals and cocktails. I was surprised that Bishop Strickland gave his assistance to such a program. I searched for ‘Retreat in the Desert March 2021 and found all of that information.
    The Texas ‘Catholic City’ complete with university, cathedral, housing, etc, fell apart. I feel badly for the people who invested in the community and I don’t know how it turned out for the investors. But I am always suspicious of rapidly rising stars in the Catholic world. They need to earn their position. And they don’t earn it by insulting the people who have been chronicling the downfall of the Church for decades. Perhaps his latest attacks are meant to deflect attention from the scandal around the collapse of the Texas project.

  2. this victim souls nonsense has been around for a long time I remember when it first appeared on Angelqueen in the comments back almost twenty years ago. I forget the poster but he kept on going on about his victim soul and how others should be victim souls like himself. I thought it was bizarre then. It was probably Gary Voris

  3. If we define homosexual inclination as a mental illness, and the Church does acknowledge mental illness exists, then surely some men and women struggling with this could be victim souls.

    But victim souls usually don’t call themselves such. They’re too busy suffering.

  4. To be properly repentant, full acceptance and understanding that you have sinned would seem to be requirement #1. Viewing oneself as a victim is excusing the sin, and a play for sympathy. More appropriate would be embarrassment and shame. That said, my understanding of homosexuality is that this sexual orientation is more likely when young boys are corrupted and molested at a critical stage of development. I don’t know if this contributed to either of these prominent Catholics
    gentlemen’s issues, but if so, then perhaps they were victims. But at some point they ceased being victims, and became active participants. Also, continuing to wear hairstyles suggestive of homosexuality indicates a continued affinity to be so identified.

    • Your understanding has been corrupted by Vatican II and its new “psychology” shtick.
      A boy who has been molested is… a boy who has been molested. If he has been raped, he is a victim of.. rape. But the rape does not *make* of him a pervert. The perversion comes when the boy *consents* to the inclination he clearly sees in him.

  5. I do agree with you that the point of acceptance/consent to the perversion makes of the boy a pervert. But children are being groomed for a reason, the perverts are in the schools and grooming at ever more tender ages, kindergartens and pre-k, in order to bend the twigs into perversion, before they are cognitively and emotionally able to understand what is being taught to them. It is the whole point of the pedo takeover of US skools, “drag queen story hours”, and homosexual-pedo books in skool libraries. The vast majority of prostitutes, sexually promiscuous and perverted adults were groomed and abused as kids by adults. The homosexual choir in San Francisco bragged in a song about “coming for your kids”. Homosexuals have written “manifestos” detailing how they will corrupt our children into homosexuality. I am not trying to provide excuses for homosexual behavior. The homosexuals and pedophiles understand children, how to manipulate their sexuality, and they use that to increase their number by grooming the children of straight people. To me, the fact that almost no homosexuals ever denounce drag queen story hour grooming, or horrendous examples like poor little “Desmond the drag kid”, gives the lie to the “harmless gay” mythology. An exception to this would be Camille Paglia, the lesbian who has denounced child transgenderism as well as the anti-male/masculine “narrative”.

    • Still, the framework remains the same. Someone may try to persuade a woman to become a prostitute, but if she becomes it, it’s her fault. A boy can be raped as a child, but he will realise the horror made to him. At some point grooming ends and consent begins. Never, in the history of the Church, have homosexuals been excused because they were groomed.

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