Truth Can Never Change. Adulterers Can Never Receive

Iota unum non praeteribit.

We live in unbelievable times. Therefore, I will have to explain the obvious lest someone has missed it.

The Church has, with St Paul, always believed that adulterers are not allowed to receive communion.

As this is what the Church believes, there are no instruments at disposal of anyone by which they could say that this has been changed.

If the Archangel Gabriel were to come down from heaven this afternoon, shortly before dinner time, and tell you “Good afternoon. God above has just told me that adulterers can now receive communion”, of course you would not believe him.

If a pope – I obviously do not mean this unspeakable ass; I mean a solid, orthodox, pious, prestigious pope – were to wake up one morning and say “God has appeared to me, and He has told me adulterers can now receive communion”, you would immediately call him a heretic, no matter how good he appeared until the evening before.

If a pope – any pope; see above – were to write twelve encyclicals, eighteen papal Bulls, thirty-four motu proprio and ninety-seven apostolic exhortations declaring that adulterers can receive communion and implementing several measures to have the novelty enforced, you would call the pope a heretic, all his documents heretical and not to be believed, much less obeyed, and all those who obey him in this heretics and traitors.

The simple fact is: truth can never change. Therefore, adulterers can never receive Communion.

You might, in the future, hear all sorts of strange stories. For example, if the Evil Clown issues a document following this Synod, he is most certain not to explicitly say that adulterers cannot receive communion. He is also most likely not to repeat in it the Athanasian Creed, or the Our Father.

Guess what? The Athanasian Creed will still be in place, and will not be tacitly abrogated because Francis hasn't mentioned it. The Our Father will still be in force as both prayer and dogmatic statement, because he is both. Communion for adulterers will still be forbidden, because this is what the Church has always believed.

It is astonishing that I have to write such obvious blog posts.

But somehow I think it might help in the times we are about to face.



Posted on October 26, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Amen, praise God for Mundabor, why aren’t the neo-con blogs saying this (Fr Z)? They seem to think truth can change! It is refreshing to read the truth that I believe being preached by another. (concerned Catholic priest.)

  2. All of these hand-wringing, heart wrenching appeals to mercy when dealing with adulterers who want to receive Holy Communion is a total joke. I would say 1/3 to 1/2 of the people sitting around me at Church on Sundays are in adulterous relationships as they walk themselves up to Communion. Would someone please point out to me an adulterer anywhere who is being stopped from consuming the Eucharist? A few beautiful exceptions aside, there is not hide nor hair of a priest or bishop anywhere who gives two flying figs about who receives Communion. They don’t care and the adulterers don’t care. I see people at every Mass who I know are divorced and either re-married or – more likely – having a “relationship” with someone. They are very open about it. One divorced woman, who’s having an affair with her contractor, told me she has no need for Confession, when I told her I had gone. She really means it. Nobody anymore (again, a few faithful exceptions aside) thinks that anything is wrong with adultery. Along with the other “dialogue” that’s been going on, could we please demand that Kasper et al actually produce all of these supposedly distraught individuals who are being denied their illicit desires? I want the proof because I don’t believe such individuals exist.

    • I am sure they are there. Some people are just not able to deceive themselves so easily as the people in your parish.
      But this does not mean that they are distraught. It means that they think they are right, abstain from Communion and want the Church to tell them she is wrong.
      Also, Germany isn’t the Anglo-Saxon world. People can be berated in public for crossing the street when the little man in red, and Germany has a lot of small communities.

  3. Thank you…a very good reminder to hold on to what is good, and reject what is evil…

  4. The next installment. Bergoglio already instructed his priests in Buenos Aires to give Communion to everyone years ago, and it was a disaster….

    Time, Is On Our Side. Oh Yes It Is…

  5. Thanks for the information. I had no idea there were still places in the Western world where adulterers could still be swayed by their neighbors’ opinion (I’m discounting politicians.) I’ll just add – to round off the picture of contemporary America for you – there are many Catholic divorced people here (we’re talking about the ones who haven’t received an annulment) who, after going through the re-marriage and/or “relationship” phase, swear off getting involved with anyone again. They like their freedom and independence. What this means in fact is that they instead have “companions” with whom they’ll have dinners, attend the theater, etc. and “occasionally” go off on weekends together to look at the changing leaves, or to walk along the beach, or to visit one of those quaint New England towns (you can tell I’ve got Autumn on the brain) and, of course, they stay at charming little b & b’s (bed and breakfasts) along the way. They’re discreet about it, of course, but only to the extent that they only “casually” mention it in conversation as an aside. The casualness shows taste and refinement; that sex is only a small part of the routine the two of them have together. Everyone nods and smiles – how pleasant for them to have someone to go around with. And how sophisticated to be doing it in such a smart way – which means protecting their financial assets. This type of companionship is a typical part of the “mature” scene here for people who have moved beyond the “relationship” phase. It is also a standard part of the Catholic scene at the average NO parish, for those who are divorced.