German Christianity: The Downfall.

Christianity's way in Germany.

Christianity’s way in Germany.



“Christianity in Germany is ideologically bankrupt”.

“More people between Flensburg [in the extreme north] and Oberammergau [in the extreme south] believe in UFO’s than in the Last Judgement. Welcome to Diaspora Germany”.

“…the last socialized and actively Christian generation will soon be exiting the workforce, and dead within three decades. Then the facade of the Church, too, will crumble. Behind it, a minority will become visible – a minority not much larger than the community of Jehova’s Witnesses”.

“…Wherever the Church does not base herself upon timeless, incontrovertible truth, she reveals herself to be purely man-made. Political programs should be “relevant to the times,” entertainment programming, too; but a religion must take command of absolute truths – or it is no religion at all”.

“Faith requires a pinch of naivete, the readiness to give up control and open oneself to the Incomprehensible. Groping and hoping. No wonder that many find this increasingly difficult in a world which is set upon industrially reorganizing the last untouched domains of being: sexuality, love, birth, death. Total control, complete autocracy over one’s own life is in trend. A more inhospitable breeding ground for faith is barely conceivable”.
A reader has signaled that there would be an interesting blog post on “The Radical Catholic”, but without indication of the exact topic of said post.

Doesn’t matter, as I clicked my way there and found a pearl called “Church in Crisis: Diaspora Germany”.

The original article, a longish piece appeared on the prestigious (if often anti-Catholic) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, was entirely translated into English by the blog author. You have read some of its paragraphs above.

The article is a beautifully pained (and painful) description of an issue often touched on this blog: the progressive disappearance of Christian (and specifically: Catholic) thinking under a varnish of Christianity that is still there, but is more and more relegated to social custom and cultural tradition rather than being, well, faith, or what one believes.

Some of the figures mentioned there are shocking (mass attendance has apparently decreased 10% in only one year. 2013-2014 were the years of the “scandal” in the diocese of Limburg, but again this says a lot about the mentality of many churchgoers), and some people mentioned in the article are also shocking (though the shocking events narrated happened, it must be said, a long time ago).

The picture is, though, clear: a country on the way to exiting Christianity, as the last generation of Christians was replaced by a generation of my-own-way Christians and now rapidly giving way to a generation of I-am-my-own-god non-Christians. The Chancellor, the immortal culona inchiavabile Angela Merkel (no, I will not translate this), has the gut to call herself Christian and support civil partnerships for perverts, though she tries to save some face with the few Christians really left by, say, denying the same perverts some tax advantages, as in: it’s not sin, provided it doesn’t cost me money. This, at least, the last time I looked. Merkel would be a rather good weathervane, if the size of her backside would not stand in the way.

I invite you to follow the link, or directly duckduckgo the article. Your time will be well spent. Not only will you find there a tragic description of what is happening in Germany, but you will – minus the Kirchensteuer – easily be able to make a parallel with your own Country.

I disagree with the author on only one point: the difficulty to cope with elaborate liturgy for the man not culturally prepared to it. I do not know about Lutherans, but Catholic liturgy has, when it was properly made, never failed to inspire poor miners, humble factory workers, or even illiterate peasants. It is, in case, purely the arrogance of our time that compels everyone to abandon every pursuit which does not promise immediate satisfaction. But if a man has such a reaction the issue is his own thinking, not the liturgy. 

Still, a stellar article, and it deserves some praise that the FAZ has decided to publish it.

A prayer for both the author of the article and the translator are certainly in order.




Posted on January 4, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. It’s really quite insulting to suggest that the ‘poor’ will not understand the elaborate liturgy. The accidents of one’s birth do not keep him from appreciating and aspiring to higher things. For some, it is knowing that the higher things exist that gives them the impetus to carry on, in the hope that life for themselves, or their families, will be better. And that even if their lives do not improve, they are still equally capable of taking part in the glorious splendor that is theirs by right, as Catholics. I am sure that has inspired many of us ‘lower class’ folk…

    • What I think he wants to say is that uneducated people will find it more difficult to cross the barrier between simplicity and beauty.

      To make an example: Germany has given humanity many of the finest composers, but do you think Schubert and Beethoven, Bach and Mendelssohn, Wagner and Schumann are popular musical choices among the uneducated? They aren’t. Rather, the simple Germans kill themselves – intellectually and musically – with a musical genre called “Schlager”: a soppy, sugary, and utterly inane fare for the musically challenged blessedly unknown outside of the German speaking world. And the uneducated Germans are amongst the better educated uneducated people worldwide…

      Even beauty needs training. But certainly the illiterate peasant could go at mass one hundred years ago and be in awe at the beauty of the liturgy, exactly as he could look at a beautiful palace and appreciate its beauty even if he had no clue about its architectural style.


  2. It seems that not only should Russia be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, but the whole of Europe, too. And soon.

  3. Thank you for the very kind mention, Mundabor. Since you posted the link, the visits to my blog have skyrocketed, and, if the comment can be believed, I’ve even been contacted by the original author, Markus Günther, who was also rather pleased with the result of my translation effort. I’ll be sure to return the favor, though the results will not be nearly as spectacular. – RC

    • Many thanks, Sir, and please do not worry about having to return any “favour”. I am the one who must thank you and Mr Guenther for the effort.


  4. Luther was a good teacher I guess…oh forgot…Heil Kaspar.

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