Francis, The Humble Bitch

dear pope

Curiously, Francis never bitches them…



More and more often we hear sermons, homilies, off-the-cuff comments, whatever, in which Francis goes on to insult people not mentioned or described specifically, but rather depicting with a rather large brush all kind of people he does not like.

I am not the only one, I think, who notices that these kind of attacks are becoming more and more frequent. My very strong impression is that the man perceives that he is more and more isolated, and confronted with a good number of people who do what they can to limit the damage, both inside and outside the Vatican.

The last morning homily is just another example. The man wants to tell us that peace can only be found in the Holy Spirit, and then goes on to show he is, by his own metre of judgment, very far from Him. Try this: 

“And being closed can turn into so many things: pride, sufficiency, to think myself better than others, also vanity, no? There are mirror-men and  women, who are closed in themselves and constantly looking at themselves. These religious narcissists, no? But, they have a hard heart, because they are closed, they are not open. And they look to defend themselves with these walls that they have around them.”

I am generally not the one who cries “projection!”, as I think the argument is mostly used in a way that does not make sense. But this here seems an example fit for the manual. The man has described himself with uncanny precision, and if you go beyond the usual stupid third-class imagery you will notice no one corresponds to the description of these men and women better than The Most Astonishing Hypocrite In Church History (TMAHICH ™) himself. 

Someone should tell the man that to go around bitching relentlessly in public isn’t very fitting to a Pope; and it is particularly bad when people understand that he is merely throwing the toys out of the pram, after seeing that every time he makes a move the sane Catholic world is against him and those around him suggest more, ahem, caution… 

What Francis would love you to buy is the narrative of the Pope who is “open to God’s surprises” (a clear oxymoron if read in a doctrinal or sacramental perspective), but surrounded by people who are closed to his novelties; because they are so self-centred, you see; so “closed”; because they think themselves superior to him (which isn’t difficult); because they are “religious narcissists” (means: love the traditional liturgy, and take Catholicism seriously) and because they have a “hard heart” (read: are against sacrilege).

The man goes on and on and on. He sees himself in difficulty, and reacts by digging his grave a bit deeper, whilst bitching all around like an old queen with a hysterical fit.

Now that a new year begins, someone should tell Francis that it might be the case to scale down the scandal, pay attention to what he says, and stick to the protocol rigidly.

I bet many did, though, though in more mellifluous words.

They were, probably, those about whom he was thinking when he was speaking the words above. The “closed” ones, etc. To Francis, to be a Catholic means to be a lot of adjectives, none of them flattering in the least.


Posted on January 9, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. Just in case you haven’t seen this [EDIT: not welcome]

    It works ideally with this:

    And each time I read another insult, I just say: You go girl!


  2. “whilst bitching all around like an old queen with a hysterical fit.”

    I have learned that I cannot be taking a drink or eating anything when I read your posts!

  3. How is being “open” to evil a good thing? How is hardness to evil a bad thing? I completely agree that projection lives and breathes in this lost Pope. It’s a sign of his spiritual state i.e. dead that he is unable to see himself clearly. Our Lord is allowing him to make a fool of himself which will hopefully help him to repent before it’s too late. God bless~

  4. Es digno de observar cómo los masones de los mass media, al unísono con Francisco, buscan disimular la musulmanidad del ataque y presentarlo como un atentado a la “libertad de expresión”!!
    Es justamente al revés, por culpa de la “libertad de expresión”, condenada oportunamente por el Magisterio perenne, siempre vivo de la Iglesia, o sea por el Espíritu Santo, que Europa permitió la entrada de los musulmanes, cuya ideología religiosa, porque el Islam no es verdadera religión, es la causante de esta guerra religiosa, pues no se trata de un mero atentado ni tampoco de un acto de fanáticos aislados. El islam es lo satánico y con esto no hay “diálogo interreligioso” posible

  5. It was preferable when the popes had a mistress and a good wine cellar. Both gave them less free time to make foolish comments in public.

  6. Augustin, muchisimos gracias. Creo que es la verdad.

  7. I mean if he’s trying to say “selfishness is bad,” or “vanity is bad,” just say that, Pope Francis; don’t couple it with pop psychology and insults.