Cardinal Kasper Officially In The Tradition Of Luther.

Read on the last stunning declaration of Cardinal “theology on his knees”, “serene and profound” Kasper. The man happily lumps together, “in various ways”, St Thomas Aquinas and Martin Luther; because hey, in Kirchesteuer-Land Luther must be “included” in the “great tradition” of Christian Charity.

Said from a Cardinal, it is every bit as bad as if a German politician would include Hitler in the great tradition of German welfare.

Why does this disgraceful Cardinal utters such philo-heretical nonsense? Has he gone gaga? No, of course he hasn't.

You see, Kasper and his are the providers of immoral services to the German johns who pay the Kirchesteuer but do not even attend Mass. I read an article on the Catholic Herald giving some sobering numbers, and they were around so: for every three who pay, two do not even attend Sunday Mass anymore; and the number of those attending halved in the last 25 years or so.

These people are, in general, of the “I decide who God is” kind. They are divorced and remarried, or contracepting, or fornicating without a shade of remorse, and are otherwise so sold into the fable of their own “goodness” and “inclusiveness” that even a distancing of the Church from Luther is seen from many of them as uncharitable, oppressive, and otherwise obsolete. Many of them are believers of the “I believe in some sort of entity” way, some are certainly atheists. I have known many of them. Christianity in them is nothing but the thinnest varnish.

These are johns who do not even sleep with the prostitute they are paying, but they will insist for the prostitute to remain such for them to continue paying. Any sign of the prostitute's redemption would be cause of termination of the payment for many, many johns.

Now put yourself in the shoes of the Head Pimps: Kasper, Marx, Woelki, and the like. They must keep the customer satisfied. They must reassure the paying johns they won't be annoyed with Catholic talking or teaching. They must create an environment in which everyone is fine with everyone else, and Luther has an awful lot of good to teach. They must lull their clients in the illusion that as long as they continue paying it doesn't matter if they think Luther was a capital chap after all. Actually, they are encouraged to think this is very inclusive, ecumenical, charitable and, in general, very fine. This is the first game Kasper is playing.

The other game is the wink-wink game, a German speciality. These prelates all say to their paying clients: “see? There are things I cannot officially say, or cannot officially implement; but I will do whatever I can to accommodate you. If I win, I win. If I lose, please look at my battle for you and keep paying”. This is the “communion for adulterers”, “married priests”, “female priests”, and now also “same sex marriage”, meme that has gone on for many years all over the German speaking world.

The result of all this can be reassumed with two words linked by a hyphen: kar-ching.

Cardinal Kasper is not a surprise.

He is in the tradition of the oldest profession in the world.



Posted on February 20, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. A counterpoint to the above. From the Radical Catholic blog. You know the post. So the below is just a reminder:

    “But why are the seekers no longer finding guidance? Why are the supply and demand no longer jibing? The most popular answer to this question is: because the Church is no longer relevant to the times. She must conform more closely to the realities of the lives of modern people. Initially, that sounds plausible, but under closer scrutiny reveals itself to be idiocy. For the Evangelical church in Germany has done nearly everything which is being demanded from the Catholic Church in order to become more relevant to the times: women priests, the elimination of celibacy, liberality in moral theology, the complete acceptance of homosexuals and the divorced. If these were the real reasons for the malaise of Christendom, the Protestants should be far better off than the Catholics. But that simply isn’t the case. A second error in thinking is introduced by the popular buzzword “relevant to the times” [German: zeitgemäß, which can mean “modern,” “suitable,” or even “appropriate,” and often carries all of these shades when applied to the Church]: Wherever the Church does not base herself upon timeless, incontrovertible truth, she reveals herself to be purely man-made. Political programs should be “relevant to the times,” entertainment programming, too; but a religion must take command of absolute truths – or it is no religion at all.”

    And that appeared in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung!

    The point being that the Lehmann’s, Kasper’s and Marx’s know it ain’t gonna work. The proddies are in much worse shape, and they are the consummate whores.

    PS Link here:

  2. FYI.

    More on the “agenada thingy”. 🙂 This is Jesuit’s Amerka via SSPX. Excellent summary. Of note is the following:

    “The de-clericalization of power is very important in the Roman Curia and the administrations of dioceses. We must look at canon law, and reflect theologically, to see what roles necessarily require priests; and then all the other roles, in the widest sense possible, must be open for lay people, men and women, but especially women.

    I say it and repeat it also in my diocese: Please see what you can do to bring lay people, especially women, into positions of responsibility in diocesan administration. We have made a plan for the Catholic Church in Germany to have more leading positions in diocesan administrations to be fulfilled by women.

    On this issue we must make a great effort for the future, not only to be modern or to imitate the world, but in realizing that this exclusion of women is not in the spirit of the Gospel.”

    It’s through this “de-clericalization” that Francis wants to remake the Church. That’s why he’s not too concerned about abolishing seminaries that teach Catholicism.


  3. The ‘make a mess’ confusion of Luther has become quite appealing to Modernists. Still no-mans land for some, given that CMTV did a piece on what a filthy git he was (he had an obsession with nether parts and demons involved with them, but was convinced such brought him closer to holiness).Lets remind CMTV and all Novus Ordo ‘popes-bishops-priests-sheeps’ of the up-coming 2017 celebration of Luther and his co-horts.

    “Arianism had its poets to propagate its errors in popular verse. Lutheranism had its humanists, amongst whom the elegant Erasmus shone as a brilliant writer. Arnauld, Nicole, Pascal threw the glamour of their belles lettres over the serpentine doublings [tricks, artifices] of Jansenism. Voltaire’s wretched infidelity won its frightful popularity from the grace of his style and the flash of his wit. Shall we, against whom they aimed the keenest and deadliest shafts, contribute to their name and their renown! Shall we assist them in fascinating and corrupting youth! Shall we crown these condemners of our faith with the laurels of our praises and laud them for the very qualities which alone make them dangerous! And for what purpose? That we may appear impartial? No. Impartiality is not permissible when it is distorted to the offense of truth, whose rights are absolute.” Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany, ‘Liberalism is a Sin’ (1899).

  4. One of the routine “nom de plume’s” I use for the modern church is “God Is Love In All Forms Catholic Church, INC” (paraphrased from a satirical novel I read years ago). Perhaps I should start defining it further into “God Is Love In All Forms (insert name of country here) Church, INC…it seems to be what the German Hierarchy is aiming for, if you take your comments to their natural end, does it not?