Mundabor’s Blog Converts To “Inclusiveness”: A Lampedusa Moment.



And so, my dear readers, the day some of you feared has come.

Starting from today, Mundabor’s blog decides to accept the call for “inclusiveness” and to “embrace the other”.

Enough with being “closed into oneself”. No more “fear of the other”. Let us make “more space for love”. Mundabor finally goes “out of himself”. He accepts the call of our Most Holy Father, Francis The Humble But Careful Reformer Of The Church, and decides to follow the new spirit which the, erm, “Spirit” is now very clearly (it’s windy outside, big time) blowing his way.

I feel, as I write this, already so good, but so good, that I almost writing a letter to the Bishops and Cardinals now closeted in their Synod to tell them about my “conversion” to “the other”. I truly wish to cry to the world my newly-found allegiance to the Pope’s wonderful, generous elan of encountering and embracing “the other”. Because “the other” is different from us, eh? no?) and we meet him accepting his otherness, his diversity, his poverty.

Therefore, the following changes in the blog are announced. Trumpets, please….

1) “The Remnant” newspaper has been added to the blog list on the right hand side column. I know, strictly speaking it is not a blog. But hey, I am “inclusive” now. Therefore, I will not leave such a wonderful publication out of my blog list.

Kardinal Kretin “Kirchensteuer” Kasper will be, no doubt, very proud of me. I am so serene and profound, I am almost crying for joy.

2) In a true, loving “embrace” of “the other”, this blog goes “out of itself” and becomes, Lampedusa-Style, authentically international; it “reaches out” to “the end of the world”, in a move of modernisation that brings it very near to the same Country that gave us our Oh So Wonderfully Humble Pope, Francis Of The Black Shoes, The Hammer Of Orthodoxy. 

Three new blogs, in three different languages, are added on a separate blog family, “Blog in Other Languages”. They are:

1. Kreuz-Net.Info

This is the spiritual successor of the unforgettable “Kreuz Net”, the blog run by orthodox Catholic priests forced to close by a concerted effort of the German and Austrian Gaystapo; an effort instigated by the perverted hatred of the most notorious German Ueberfaggot, Volker Beck, (obviously) of the Green Party. The author of this successor blog has a name and surname, and is an Austrian publisher. He does not fear the Gaystapo machine and, not being anonymous, can stay in court if attacked. I seem to remember he invited the prosecutor to try with him what they did with the priests who ran the original blog. Bishop Williamson is a frequent guest writer, as his “Eleison” articles are posted there. Not everyone’s taste, but a very useful addition in my eyes. The quality of the blog remains very high, the content is not in the least sissified. Austria and Germany are the main focus. 

2. Le Salon Beige

Universally acclaimed daily blog in French. Whenever people write or comment about French blogs, this here pops out in front. A breath of sanity in a Country that was able to elect Hollande as President.

3. Wanderer Revisited

Here, Mundabor’s effort of “openness” truly reaches a new high. Yours truly does not speak Spanish, but he can muddle through the lines and get the general gist. From what I can see, this truly is a first-class, sterling effort. The quality of the comments is also generally very high. It makes one want to learn Spanish just to enjoy this blog. As more than some of my blog readers can probably read Spanish, I though I would add this. In addition, this blog is from Argentina. Oh, what a wonderful tribute to the Country that gave us our Humbly Ford Focus Chauffered Pope!


So, there we are.

The lesson of Francis, The Pope Who Is So Good He Could Win The Nobel Peace Prize, has been learnt. 

Do not protest. Do not cry “Betrayal!” Do not resist the irresistible tide of the times.The lio is now strong in this blog.

Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in illis.

Today, Mundabor’s blog has embraced Our Humble Pope, He Who Does Not Count His Prayers, Scourge Of The FFI, Persecutor Of Orthodox Bishops, The One Who Will Not Judge, Our Dear Lider Maximo,

Bishop Francis.


Posted on October 11, 2014, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. So…you must have started listening to Morris Albert and “Feelings” and watching Oliver and Jenny in “Love Story”? How else to explain this openness to change? You have to be a 60’s baby boomer re-connecting with your youth… 🙂

  2. Cool. We all need to become more open to the other, to walk with them, to go beyond the “of itself” and “for itself” of otherness, and to instead embrace the other “in itself” and “for us.” We muse move beyond the old boundaries, the limits set by the past, in order to see the future open and bright before us and to recognise our time in history, the historical now, not only the time of mercy but also the time of “hey look at that really cool new thing it’s totally otherness embodied I want one.”

    See you on the periphery!

    PS. Bring a friend.