Daily Archives: October 23, 2014

Canada Welcomes The “Religion Of Peace”

Canada's well-deserved future.

Two attacks of Islamist matrix in two dayS: one in Montreal and the other, far graver, in Ottawa, striking at the very heart of Canadian institutions.

One may say that these are isolated cases of madmen, but I frankly think those who lull themselves in such thinking are just as mad, if perhaps a tad more lucid. The maddest of political correctness must be the Mayor of Ottawa, talking of “causes not yet fully understood” when even his daughter's hamster knows.

We must wake up, smell the coffee, and realise that the indiscriminate import of Islam, and the politically correct way it was allowed to spread like a cancer, has created a situation and a climate that will make such attacks more frequent in the future, everywhere in the stupid, effeminate West.

The stupid, effeminate West got what it deserved. It found it cool to play “multicultural” and “inclusive”; now it will have to live with the consequences of its own stupidity. Canada, say hello to the Religion of Peace. I hope you liked the appetiser, because the main course is coming.

It is only a matter of time until a handful of fanatics manage to get inside a national or regional Parliament and massacre a couple of dozen elected members of that assembly.

At that point, perhaps, the West will finally wake up.




St. Augustine: Unwelcoming, Judgmental, No Room For Love

Homophobis hater: St Augustine of Hippo.

Homophobic hater: St Augustine of Hippo.

The priest writing on Patheos has some meowing about how (and whether) to “welcome” “the gays”.
He seems not to like the idea very much, though you have to get to the end of the blog post, and past the vomit-inducing photo, to understand it; but then he likes “the gays” enough to put two sodomites in his above-mentioned photo, in one of those disgusting poses so beloved from the homo propaganda to give perverts an air of youth and normality. He also says that to him “the gays” are those who acts on their perversion, because the word “sodomite” is probably taboo at Patheos, and makes sodomites feel “unwelcome”.
So much for Patheos bloggers; and this one is probably the least worst most of the time.
Mundabor’s tip? Avoid. 
In general, one wonders how a priest not bent (ha!) straight for hell can think of any “greet” to give to “the gays” and then deal with the perversion at hand in a halfway effective way. If I want to persuade a pedophile that what he does is evil and will lead him straight to hell, there aren’t many nice words about pedophilia I can say to him beforehand. Repentant sinners are always welcome; scandalous and activist perverts who do not want to reform themselves, but want to pervert the Church are asked, like the famous dogs, to stay out.    
Still, let us help the Patheos’ priest blogger. Let us suggest a charitable welcome to “the gays”. Which we will, of course, charitably call Sodomites. Try this:  
“Sins against nature, therefore, like the sin of Sodom, are abominable and deserve punishment whenever and wherever they are committed. If all nations committed them, all alike would be held guilty of the same charge in God’s law”. (The Confessions, c. III, p. 8).


(Hat tip: Roberto de Mattei via Rorate Caeli)


Francis’ Next Move And The Catholic D-Day: A Reflection

Heresy Beach under attack. Thursday, 16 October 2014.



After the great debacle of last week – denied by some of the Liberals and, obviously, by all the Pollyannas – the question can be posed of what will Francis do next. Then we can speculate of what will happen after that. Allow me to say how I see it.

Broadly speaking, it seems to me that he has the following options.

1. Resign and wheelchair off to Argentina.

If Francis sees his future as Pope as bleak, he could make an extreme gesture and simply resign. He would instantly acquire the status of Best Pope Evah by those whose popularity he is courting: Western Non-Catholics of all stripes.

A kind of Loser Cincinnatus, he would go back to his cobbler, his newspaper agent and his beloved slum trannies. An aura of non-judgmental, Dalai Lama-like mock sainthood would follow him everywhere. Atheist, Jews, Witches, Homos, Adulterers, Concubines and unrepentant sinners of all sort would erect a huge monument to the Revolutionary Pope. Whilst I am sure he enjoys the immense apartment, the company of perverts, the helicopter and the power, what he loves most is himself and his own popularity. This would, therefore, be an option if not immediately, perhaps if he gets another thrashing or two. Alas, I doubt that his outlook is so bleak, or that he may see it that way. Therefore, this one looks improbable at least for now.

2. Adapt to the role as Pope, and say farewell to the Revolution

This Pope loves his popularity above all. It is very questionable whether he would choose to become the hate figure of Catholics in life and for generations to come. May he hate Catholics, I think he hates mass unpopularity more. A Pope not followed by his own is a joke of a Pope no matter how many perverts love him, and I am sure that much he understands well.

If we are lucky, he could decide that this is the end of the revolutionary experiment, and he has neither the age nor the strength to really roll the dice. Therefore, he could avoid the Nuclear Option and simply be content with being Pope Stupid, rather than Pope Heretic. A massive conflict could see him even defrocked. He is, in this scenario, too much of a Jesuit to risk that.

This is, I think, also an unlikely scenario. But it could become far more realistic if Francis gets another couple of humiliations like last week’s one. He is a Jesuit after all, which means: weak with the strong, always ready to swim with the tide, and with no shame at all.

3. Continue as now, but more guardedly and carefully.

In this scenario, Francis learns that he has sent his tanks in the open field and they have been massacred. He also understands further open defiance will yield the same results. Therefore, he decides it’s guerrilla time.

Removal of as many uncomfortable bishops as he can without risking open backlash; appointment of liberals and friends of perverts (or perverts) as bishops, but not too obvious ones; continued “off-the-cuff” heresies, but mixed with more traditional messages.

This, I think the most probable scenario. The trouble with that (for him) is that Francis does not have the time to work slowly on his project and see it triumph in, say, twenty years. There are thousands of bishops, a jungle of religious orders, many seminaries are now producing decent priests, and Traditionalism has never been so strong in 50 years. Look at Summorum Pontificum advancing as the old… Jesuits fill the hospices. This is a guerrilla that is also a race against the time. If he tries to be Gorbachev, chances are he’ll end up like him. The Church is, like the Soviet Union, a huge apparatus that (leaving the Holy Ghost aside) a heretic can’t reshape as he pleaseth. Francis’ guerrilla will make damages, but the Church will bear them all right, and rectify them in time when TMAHICH is gone.

4. The Extreme Destroyer

Francis decides that enough is enough, and sets up to make a massacre; remaining as much under cover as he can, whilst still being the Puppetmaster.

An example of this could be the already ventilated and now resuscitated proposal of factually castrating the CDF and leave the Bishops’ Conferences free to decide as much as possible, even in “doctrinal” matters.

The problem with this is, if you ask me, that it will never work. The principle that the praxis must adhere to the doctrine has just been convincingly reaffirmed. I am unable to see how Cardinal Napier or Burke would accept communion for adulterers provided it is limited to some Western Countries. There is, actually, every reason to believe this “doctrinal anarchy” would equate to the dismembering of the very Body of the Church, an outcome that only the most fanatical Kasperites will support.

It is not possible to have home-made Catholicism. The word itself decries this possibility as absurd. I may be the eternal optimist, but I think that if Francis were to try something like that, he would end up under an orthodox truck in no time, and at that point he would be a seriously lame duck.

The breaking of taboos is a two-way street. Next time, the criticism will be faster, more spread, and more explicit. Look at the immense status of people like Cardinal Burke now. If they push, It’s “Pope Over Board”!

Think of this: Francis has already been tested, and he has lost. Has he gone for the all-out confrontation? No. Are the Bishops and Cardinals stupid, that they do not know that he will seek a rematch, and revenge? No. Is he strong enough to brave them? Come on, he’s a Jesuit. He did not have the balls last week, will he grow a pair at (almost) Seventy Nine?

Call me the eternal optimist, but I don’t think he can. This here just has no guts for it, or we would have known already. In my eyes, he rather runs the risk of becoming a pathetic figure, torn between the armchair “Che” and the reality of an abysmally bad soldiery.

He was tested, and was found wanting.


You can say what you want of “Che” Guevara (and whatever you say, I will say worse), but he certainly had no fear to put all at risk, and to accept frightful odds uncaring of consequences.

A “Che”, this Pope is not. He has all the hate of Che Guevara, but none of the balls.

Whenever he finds an army of Catholics close the ranks against him, he will always choose the armchair rather than the jungle. As he did last Thursday. Of course, he will need to find this Army or he will walk all over Catholicism. Of course, a losing Wehrmacht still is the Wehrmacht! But with God’s Grace and our prayers, and if the Spirit of the Synod continues – and I can’t see why not – I can’t see how he can win.


We live in extremely worrying, volatile, heretical times. I am aware that this prediction may prove completely wrong. But I can only write on this blog to the best I can observe, and with the most realistic reasoning I can extract from these observations.

TMAHICH isn’t the Antichrist, and he has already failed abysmally even as apprentice False Prophet. Heck, not even his Bishops esteem him, and not very many seem to fear him.

I see last Thursday as a Catholic D-Day. Destination: Berlin. Yes, the army opposing us is still frightfully strong. Yes, there is no doubt savage fighting might be in store. Yes, complacency now would be fatal. But not ten months after D-Day, Hitler was dead and Nazism in his last gasps. I do not think very many thought it could be so fast.

I dare to forecast, here, how this man will be seen after he’s gone: as a stupid, evil, dirty old man who wanted to remake the Church in his own (stupid, evil, and dirty) image, got a hammer on his teeth a couple of times too much, and thought better of it.




“Vorisgate”: Why Writing Letters Is Not The Answer.

Mundabor's Blog


The arguments in defence of the indefensible become more and more outlandish. I will leave all the side noise (I doubt Thomas More would have made a TV sender “where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed”, either…; but seriously, I won’t waste my time with that) on the side, and address one question:

should we limit ourselves to writing letters to the Pope? 

No, we shouldn’t.

Firstly, the problem of a Pope giving scandal in public is only in a secondary and accessory manner the problem of the salvation of the Pope’s soul. It is in the first line a problem for the millions of souls who are confused by his outlandish or heretical statements. The Pope is one soul, but the souls who are endangered are millions. As we are taught that every soul has infinite value and dignity, there is no reason whatsoever to sacrifice one individual…

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