Daily Archives: October 25, 2014

Pope Belshazzar

Belshazzar had an admirer...

Belshazzar had an admirer…


The Unholy Father has lost another occasion to keep his mouth shut, and this time he has regaled us (together with many other stupid assertions about the death penalty; truly, there’s no time to deal with all the ways this man hates Church Doctrine; so this is just an aside) with this pearl of wisdom, that corruption is a greater evil than sin

The phrase does not really make sense. Corruption (financial, or otherwise) must translate into sin, or it would be no corruption. Corruption is, in fact, by definition the abandonment of a state that is considered the proper one, be that in the realm of financial probity, sexual morality, or other.

What TMAHICH wants – in its confused and inconsequential way of non-thinking – to say is that adulterers, concubines and perverts should sit back and relax; because others, the corrupted politicians and rich people and, no doubt, rosary counters are all much worse than them.

It is, as always, tragically amusing that the man who has been persecuting the FFI without even a shred of a credible accusation for now fifteen months should be so incredibly hypocritical as to go and lecture us about justice. I insist on the moniker The Most Astonishing Hypocrite In Church History (TMAHICH,  ® Mundabor 2014) because in the case of this man this trait is as evident as the blindness of the Voris school of thought is scandalous. It is healthy to look at reality as it is. It is stupid, and dangerous for your soul, to keep ignoring the attacks of this oh so humble man on everything Catholic.  

The petty man who persecutes entire orders just because he feels like it, deposes bishops (one in Paraguay; one, apparently, rather soon in Italy) without any accusations being leveled at them, and keeps around him a circus of faggots and liars of all types (Ricca, the scandalous fag, was last time I looked still at his place both as “banker” and “hotelier”, and Kasper is no less “serene and profound” for having lost face and having been exposed as a lying scoundrel; but then again Francis does not care for his own face, just imagine others’…) is the same one who goes around telling us how oh so very unjust the world is.

An oriental Satrap lectures us about justice. Pope Belshazzar plays Just Guy. Funny world. And by the way, I found the phrase mentioned above pretty judgmental. 

But do not listen to me. Read instead this beautiful blog post, expressing in one go what so very many – among the clergy too, it is more and more evident with every day that goes by – think of this Papacy.

This man Frankie The Humble Blasphemous Bully has dug himself into a hole out of which he will – bar a true, and profound conversion – never come out; and the more he talks, the more he digs.  This is the unavoidable result of his continuous, uninterrupted, un-Christian, ridiculous pseudo-religious farting.

An exercise, this, that might perhaps impress the simple and the outright thick, and will certainly delight the enemy of Christianity of all colours and stripes; but is increasingly less able to save the face of this man as more and more people finally realise the huge gap between the professions of meekness and humbleness and the reality of a bullying, atheist, socialist enemy of everything Catholic, a man bent on spreading heresy and confusion every day that God still allows him to spend on this planet.

Can’t wait for Francis’ next lecture ,and I can well imagine he will warn us from hypocrisy.

Pope Belshazzar may think that he can go on like this for as much as he pleases, and take down orders and bishops as he pleases. But more and more are noticing that for this Papacy the writing is on the wall. 



“Lethal To The Faith”: Benedict on… Francis

Lethal to the Faith

Lethal to the Faith

The Pontiff Emeritus has sent a message to the Pontifical University Urbaniana. This intervention, a 1700-word-long little essay, is one of the most important interventions made from him since his abdication. Text, as always, on Rorate
Pope Emeritus Benedict is too gentle, too diplomatic, and too smart to openly contradict his successor. But all those who have acquired, in their existence, the ability to both read and think about the meaning of what they have read will very well understand that what Benedict says goes frontally against Francis’ very frame of mind.
This Benedict here cannot be read through Francis, at all.
I am now eagerly awaiting for the Pontiff Emeritus’ confirmation that no, he did not want to attack the Pope, whom he considers such a wonderful blabla, bla and also bla. But as always, scripta manent; and as always, such denials are just another confirmation that the world has read this document, and has understood it exactly for what it means.
Coming to the paper itself, it is, as always by Benedict, very rich and profound; and as always, the difference in intellectual stature between Benedict and Francis is extremely embarrassing for the latter. Among the many topics touched, there are two (one positive, and one negative) that I would like to isolate. All emphases mine. 
The first is to do with the evangelisation as opposed to the “no!no! no!” mentality of Francis   
Is this mission really possible in the world as it is today? Would it not be more appropriate that all religions get together and work together for the cause of peace in the world? The counter-question is: Can dialogue substitute for mission? Today many have the idea, in effect, that religions should respect each other, and, in dialogue with each other, become a common force for peace. In this way of thinking, most times there is a presupposition that the various religions are variants of one and the same reality; that “religion” is a category common to all, which assumes different forms according to different cultures, but expresses, however, one and the same reality. The question of truth, which at the beginning of Christianity moved Christians more than anything else, in this mode of thinking is placed within parentheses. It presupposes that the authentic truth about God, in the last analysis, is unobtainable, and that at best one can make present what is ineffable only with a variety of symbols. This renunciation of truth seems convincing and useful for peace among the religions of the world.

This is, however, lethal to faith. In fact, faith loses its binding character and seriousness, if everything is reduced to symbols that are at the end interchangeable, capable of referring only from afar to the inaccessible mystery of the divine.

Stop beating around the bush now: this is an indictment of Francis’ papacy, at least as far as his non-ecumenism is concerned. Benedict is saying, klipp und klar, that Francis’ quest for peace goes at the expense of Truth. Which is obvious, considering the man does not believe in God, much less Truth. 

Francis is, Benedict says without mentioning him by name, lethal to faith. 

Yes, of course he will deny he was attacking Francis. No! God forbid! Perish the thought! He was merely saying the Truth. Can it be the poor man’s fault that every time someone says the Truth this is clearly in opposition to what Francis says?

The second point is to do with the matter of salvation.

This point is,alas, a negative one; and here, yours truly must alert his readers to the fact that Benedict himself has, and always had, the V II bacillus.


Let me take this example:  

Love demands to be communicated. Truth demands to be communicated. Whoever has experienced great joy cannot keep it simply for himself. He must pass it on to others. The same thing is true for the gift of love, through the gift of recognizing the truth that manifests itself.

When Andrew met Christ, he could not do anything but say to his brother: “We have found the Messiah” (John 1:41). And Philip, who was also given the gift of this encounter, could not do anything but to say to Nathaniel that he had found him of whom Moses and the Prophets had written (John 1:45). We proclaim Jesus Christ not to get as many members as possible for our community, and least of all for the sake of power. We speak of Him because we feel that we have to share that joy with others that has been given to us.

We will be credible proclaimers of Jesus Christ when we have encountered him in the depths of our existence, when, within the encounter with Him, we are given the great experience of truth, of love, and of joy.

We see here more of that sugary “religion of joy” that has been such a part of Catholic apologetics in the V II era. This is, so to speak, half way down a slippery slope, at the end of which Francis is awaiting.  

The Pontiff Emeritus describes not only Faith, but the reason for his propagation, as a matter of joy. You find the joy, you must share it. 

But this is simply beside the point. The reason for evangelisation is the salvation of souls. Evangelisation is not primarily about what we get in this life, but what we get (in positive or negative) in the next. The question is salvation or damnation, not a joyful life in Christ or a joyless one without him. Christianity is first, second, third and thirtieth about the next life, not this one.

Whilst Benedict always links truth and joy, he never goes to the heart of the matter. Words like “judgment”, “hell”, “damnation” do not occur once in 1700 words. Salvation and damnation here are not even an afterthought, they are simply nowhere. How can you evangelise without thinking of damnation? What is this religion, an organisation sending around many Dulcamaras selling their “elixir of joy”?

This is tofu evangelisation in the best V II tradition; an evangelisation which, whilst orthodox in principle and well-intentioned, is left deprived of a solid foundation or, better said, of the eternal foundation given to it by Our Lord:

 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned”

Note the words here: “saved” and “condemned”, not “joyful” and “joyless”. 

Francis is lethal to the faith. But Benedict is, like all of V II, a very ineffectual help to it.


Still: I am very glad the Pontiff Emeritus decided to intervene. It was high time. Now there will be a predictable storm, and the predictable visit of the two, with photo-ops, biscuits and tea. But the substance remains:

Francis is lethal to the faith.  


Reblog: “God Of Surprises”, Take One.

Meet Francis, The Presbyterian Pope. 

Francis’ “God Of Surprises” Is A God Of Blasphemy And Heresy

Francis' god.

Francis’ god.


The way in which this heretical nonsense of the “god of surprises” has been swallowed by the obedient Pollyannas is a very good indication of the decay of Christian thinking among people who tell themselves Catholics, and of the inability to even understand that this disgraceful Pope is indicating to them the perfect path to hell.

As so very much that Francis keeps saying, these words contain some emotional appeal meant to please the stupid; as if God’s Law were a vegetable, for which “freshness” is a quality attribute.

The contrary is the case.

Our God is a God of no surprises. Being perfect, he is unchangeable. Being unchangeable, He can never have anything new in Him.

This principle, of the unchangeable God, is what provides the basis for the unchangeable Truth of which God’s immutability is at the same time the reason and the guarantee. As God can never change, so can Truth never change. He, and it, will remain always the same, world without end.

Were it not so, God would not be God. Were it not so, there would be no God.

Truth is forever. God Himself assures us that this is so, and that there will no surprises. Produce has a selling window before it becomes stale. The Truth, the Way and the Life haven’t. And if an angel – much less a clown – should come down from heaven and tell us: “God has decided to surprise you!” we.would.not.believe.him.

Francis obfuscates and mystifies. His supermarket-jargon hides one and only one intent: the subversion of God’s law into something “surprising” and, by the very definition of the word, both unexpected and different.

This is another definition of heresy.

Let those who feel so inclined blindly follow the Pope in the pit of heresy and blasphemy he wants to lead them. A faithless Pope will only be followed by faithless people, or by people so stupid – and culpably so – that they are ready to ditch an unchangeable Truth for the produce section of Francis’ satanic supermarket.

We live in times that are so stupid that these cheap appeals to – nay: cheap papal ads of – novelty and freshness are applied to what is Immutable and Unchangeable by the very definition of the word.

And please, *please* do not even *try* to justify the Pope’s words with some fluffy commentary along the lines that Francis refers to an “ever new joy”, and such like nonsense. If you still have not understood what kind of “surprise” Francis has in store for you, the smell of reprobation is strong in you, and you should be very worried by now.

Francis’ “god of surprises” is a god of heresy and blasphemy. It can’t be the God of the Christians. It is some strange New Age fantasy creature.

Our God is a God of no surprises. Do not blaspheme Him by making of Him the same as Francis’ strange, fantasy creature.




Let Us Not Be Afraid Of The “H” Word!

The picture of this Papacy.

I never tire to repeat that the misguided and deluded “sensitivity” of a world obsessed with “niceness” (“you brood of vipers!” How nice is that?) is what made the advance of the sodomites possible in the first place.

Words are weapons. A powerful barrage of clear, unmistakeable condemnation will always have a devastating effect of the enemy troops. It is only when the defences are down and the enemy is suddenly treated with respect, “sensitivity”, and even reverence that his advance is not only made possible, but helped every step of the way; helped in his march of conquest, in fact, by the very sissified army that should actually shoot at him.

If you want to fight sexual perversion, you must call it with its own name. If you do not dare to call it with its own name, you do not really want to fight it.

The same peril looms in the aftermath of the Synod. The heretics and perverts will now try to start the Great Sensitivity Offensive. Words like “sinner” and “adulterer” will be decried as offensive, inappropriate, unworthy of a decent Catholic. Most of all, a word will be kept as far away from the public discourse as possible: heresy.

Like the word “sodomy”, the word “heresy” says it all; they both express not only the strongest condemnation, but the fact that this condemnation is deeply rooted in Christianity. Both words have on heretics and perverts the same effect Holy Water has on the devil.

In the next twelve months, a great opportunity is given to us: use the momentum – and the moment of lucidity – created by the Synod to expose in the clearest possible terms what we see around us: blank Heresy, propagated every day in our midst from Bishops, Cardinals and a Pope with no faith or shame.

This theme must be hammered in the ears of the faithful incessantly, because most of them still oppose some resistance in acknowledging what is, after the Synod, entirely evident: that the Pope has heavily and shamelessly steered this Synod toward blatant heresy: not only leading the charge against two Sacraments, but openly espousing Modernism as he publicly declared that God’s laws can be changed.

The Pope is a material heretic. So are all of his helpers. Francis has remote-controlled them in such an open way – the public support for Kasper’s “serene and profound” heresy “on one’s knees”, and the appointment of the Six Little Pigs to draft the Relatio, are only two of the most blatant – that no one in possession of a sound Catholic reason can avoid seeing it.

We must make the “H” word heard, and make it heard often. We must go to the 2015 Synod after a twelve-month barrage on the very real dangers of such exercises as long as one like Francis smears the throne of Peter. We must follow and challenge the heretical statements of him and his minions. We must educate the common Catholic to the sad reality of a material heretic as Pope, and explain to them that this is not only a perfectly legitimate possibility, but something already occurred in the past. We must do what it take to make the perception of a grave crisis caused by a shameless Pope as mainstream as we can. We must hit this godless man in what he loves most: unchallenged popularity, and adoration of the masses.

Let Catholics boo him, as atheists and perverts celebrate him. See how he likes it. It is sheer suicide, and he knows it very well.

The widespread perception of an attack on Christ, led by the Pope, is the best guarantee that in twelve months’ time (unless the Lord makes us the grace of ridding us of him beforehand) a solid wall of bishops – inside and outside of the Leonine Walls – will stop and destroy any attempt at perverting the Truth Christ gave us. We must use these months to prepare the ground well, because there is no saying what stupid things might be at least attempted if we don’t.

We must help the orthodox bishops to create such a climate that in twelve months’ time abominations like the one of Bishop “Faggot” Forte will not be even thought of. We must expose the heresy now, or run the risk of having it dished to us before very long as an official Church document. We must give strength to the hand of those who want to strike down heresy, and encourage them to hit hard.

Do not be afraid of the “H” word.











What Socci Does Not Say

Mundabor's Blog

Not so easy after all... Not so easy after all…

If you have not done so already, you may do much worse than visit Rorate Caeli and read there the excellent translation of the article from Antonio Socci appeared on Libero some days ago.

Socci says many very useful things, and he says them very well. He quotes figures, and the figures alone tell you everything you need to know about the real causes of the shameless persecution of the FFI. 

V II is bankrupt. The persecution of the FFI is the necessary step to avoid the bankruptcy becoming too public. Others will follow. If I were a FSSP priest, I wouldn’t sleep very well right now. Only the SSPX, with his presence and courageous witness for sound Catholicism, prevents the total annihilation of every conservative stream within the Church.

Still, this blog post is not about what Socci says. It is about what Socci…

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