Daily Archives: October 15, 2015

Synod Walkout: Why You Should Sign

Let's make a Synod on the family!

I have published a blog post inviting my readers to sign the petition for the Synod Walkout. Let me explain why.

This blog has always maintained that Francis' papacy must go down in flames. It must by now be clear to every sound thinking Catholic that Francis is an enemy of the Church. You fight against the enemies of the Church in any way you can.

There can be no doubt that a walkout would destroy Francis' papacy. It would leave a small heap of ashes where the black shoes used to be. It would be remembered in centuries to come as a grave indictment of a scheming Jesuit, planning heresy. It would completely castrate the man in his ability to cause further damage. The man would not even need to resign. He would be consigned to mocked irrelevance.

Some will say that these battles must be fought from the inside, and if you walk out you leave the ground to the enemy. I strongly disagree.

The Synod is not the Congress, or the Commons. The bishops would not be leaving a deliberating assembly, a legislative body. They would not surrender any power. They would not leave any power in the hands of those who stay. In fact, by walking out they would give this synod more relevance, more importance, more historical significance than it could ever have in any other way. In no way the defence of Catholic truth could be made clear more forcefully than by walking out and exposing the heresies Francis is trying – unsuccessfully, probably; but this is beside the point – to push down the throats of his bishops.

Nor should, in my eyes, the usual “side arguments” be listened to.

“The Bishops will not walk” may be a very correct observation, but this is beside the point. The question is not whether they will walk, but whether you think they should. They will, probably, not walk. But it would be wonderful if they would. This is what counts.

“Francis will not achieve his aim anyway” is also not relevant. To destroy heresy is much better than to contain heresy. To destroy Francis' papacy and shame him for all the centuries to come is vastly preferable to simply dissuade him from pushing his heretical agenda.

“Only a few will sign” is also beside the point. You do what you think is right, not what you think others will be doing. You are watched from heaven. You do what is right, not what is popular.

“Now is too late/too soon/too warm/too cold/too humid/too dry” and all the usual variations of “I agree with you, but…” are, in my eyes, misleading. We are living the weeks we have been dreading for two years, and we might be on the brink of a mess that could go on for many decades. Please read the blog post that I have published and pinned at the front page when the Instrumentum Laboris was published. The Bride of Christ is being raped. You do not spend your time watching and making astute observations as to what the best conduct might be. You kick the Church rapist in the head. Do you want my advice? Kick the Church rapists in the head. Sign the petition!

“A walkout would cause a schism”. This is the favourite excuse of all those who want you to accept evil. “Accept evil”, they say, “or a greater evil will come out of it”. Thank you very much, my friend, for your rather evil suggestion; but as for myself I will fight evil, full stop. If there must be a great conflict, let it come. Or else Francis can resign, simply shut up, or do that most incredible of things: start behaving like a Pope.


In the end, I think the reasoning is very simple: in these extraordinary times we must be ready to grab every occasion, however extraordinary, to expose this bunch of heretics, headed by the Pope. A Pope who, on the very day after Cardinal Erdo's reaffirming of Catholic doctrine, took the word to explain in a rather peeved tone that heresy remains on the table as a matter of legitimate discussion.

Distance yourself from this scandalous bunch of heretics and sodomites in front of the Blessed Virgin and of the entire world, and ask the bishops and Cardinals to do the same. They threatened to do it already last year. There is no reason why what would have been justified (and wonderful) last year would not be just as justified, and even more wonderful, this year.

Follow Pope Francis' advice:

¡Vaya lío!



Synod Walkout: Please Sign The Petition!

For what it’s worth, I support the Synod Walkout. 

I invite you to sign the petition


I have no time to elaborate now but wanted to have this out. 

I will write a blog post hopefully today with more details, for those who are interested.